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System Mod Cambiare Tileset nell'Editor del VX

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Nome Script: Cambiare Tileset nell'Editor del VX

Versione: 0.2

Autore/i: BulletXt



Questo software è una piccola interfaccia grafica pensata per essere usata quando si mappa nell'editor del VX.(E' necessario avere nel proprio progetto l'altro script per il cambio tileset)

Per fare partire questo piccolo 'tool',è necessario:

Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package

Il programmino deve essere collocato nella directory del vostro progetto

Copiare i vostri Tilesets di default nella cartella Graphics/System










Note dell'Autore:

Questo software è stato scritto in C++ con il Qt4 Framework toolkit.

Il software è stato rilasciato sotto licenza GNU General Public License 3.



Note by me:

Attenzione,questo programma non serve per cambiare il tileset come succede nell'altro script,ma bensì serve solo per cambiarlo nell'editor del VX per aiutarvi a mappare con il nuovo tileset che volete usare.

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      Creare una nuova voce sopra Main ed inserire lo script.
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      Note dell'autore:
      per aver richiesto lo script;
      SowS per l'idea originale.

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      Versione: 3.0
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      if or
      #se premo il numero 5 sulla tastiera o sul numpad
      #===============================================================================# Keyboard Input - Porting to VX-ACE# By Keroro - [email protected]# Version 3.0# Last Date Updated. 2012.03.17#===============================================================================## OriginalWij and Yanfly Collaboration - Keyboard Input# Last Date Updated: 2010.06.12# Level: Normal## This is a utility script that provides the functionality to return inputs# from the keyboard as well as free up more keys to be used in the Input module.# This script will also replace Scene_Name and allow for direct keyboard input# to type in an actor's name as well as fix the maximum characters shown from# the default base script.##===============================================================================$imported = {} if $imported == nil$imported["KeyboardInput"] = trueclass << Input #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Aliases (Mods - Linked to Module) - Created by OriginalWij #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias ow_dt_i_press press? unless $@ alias ow_dt_i_trigger trigger? unless $@ alias ow_dt_i_repeat repeat? unless $@ alias ow_dt_i_update update unless $@endmodule Input #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # constants - Created by OriginalWij and Yanfly and Keroro #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- VALUES = {} VALUES[:VK_A] = 65; VALUES[:VK_B] = 66; VALUES[:VK_C] = 67; VALUES[:VK_D] = 68; VALUES[:VK_E] = 69; VALUES[:VK_F] = 70; VALUES[:VK_G] = 71; VALUES[:VK_H] = 72; VALUES[:VK_I] = 73; VALUES[:VK_J] = 74; VALUES[:VK_K] = 75; VALUES[:VK_L] = 76 VALUES[:VK_M] = 77; VALUES[:VK_N] = 78; VALUES[:VK_O] = 79; VALUES[:VK_P] = 80; VALUES[:VK_Q] = 81; VALUES[:VK_R] = 82; VALUES[:VK_S] = 83; VALUES[:VK_T] = 84; VALUES[:VK_U] = 85; VALUES[:VK_V] = 86; VALUES[:VK_W] = 87; VALUES[:VK_X] = 88 VALUES[:VK_Y] = 89; VALUES[:VK_Z] = 90; LETTERS = [:VK_A,:VK_B,:VK_C,:VK_D,:VK_E,:VK_F,:VK_G,:VK_H,:VK_I,:VK_J, :VK_K,:VK_L,:VK_M,:VK_N,:VK_O,:VK_P,:VK_Q,:VK_R,:VK_S,:VK_T, :VK_U,:VK_V,:VK_W,:VK_X,:VK_Y,:VK_Z] VALUES[:NUM0] = 48; VALUES[:NUM1] = 49; VALUES[:NUM2] = 50; VALUES[:NUM3] = 51; VALUES[:NUM4] = 52; VALUES[:NUM5] = 53; VALUES[:NUM6] = 54; VALUES[:NUM7] = 55; VALUES[:NUM8] = 56; VALUES[:NUM9] = 57; VALUES[:PAD0] = 96; VALUES[:PAD1] = 97; VALUES[:PAD2] = 98; VALUES[:PAD3] = 99; VALUES[:PAD4] = 100; VALUES[:PAD5] = 101; VALUES[:PAD6] = 102; VALUES[:PAD7] = 103; VALUES[:PAD8] = 104; VALUES[:PAD9] = 105; NUMBERS = [:NUM0,:NUM1,:NUM2,:NUM3,:NUM4,:NUM5,:NUM6,:NUM7,:NUM8,:NUM9] NUMPAD = [:PAD0,:PAD1,:PAD2,:PAD3,:PAD4,:PAD5,:PAD6,:PAD7,:PAD8,:PAD9] VALUES[:ENTER] = 13; VALUES[:SPACE] = 32; VALUES[:ESC] = 27; VALUES[:BACK] = 8; VALUES[:PGUP] = 33; VALUES[:PGDN] = 34; VALUES[:CAPS] = 20;#TODO: aggiungere tags per punteggiatura #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # initial module settings - Created by OriginalWij and Yanfly #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- GetKeyState ="user32", "GetAsyncKeyState", "i", "i") GetCapState ="user32", "GetKeyState", "i", "i") KeyRepeatCounter = {} module_function #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: update - Created by OriginalWij and Keroro #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update ow_dt_i_update for key in KeyRepeatCounter.keys if ([key]).abs & 0x8000 == 0x8000) KeyRepeatCounter[key] += 1 else KeyRepeatCounter.delete(key) end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: press? - Created by OriginalWij and Keroro #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def press?(key) return ow_dt_i_press(key) if !VALUES.has_key?(key) return true unless KeyRepeatCounter[key].nil? return key_pressed?(key) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: trigger? - Created by OriginalWij and Keroro #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def trigger?(key) return ow_dt_i_trigger(key) if !VALUES.has_key?(key) count = KeyRepeatCounter[key] return ((count == 0) or (count.nil? ? key_pressed?(key) : false)) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: repeat? - Created by OriginalWij and Keroro #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def repeat?(key) return ow_dt_i_trigger(key) if !VALUES.has_key?(key) count = KeyRepeatCounter[key] return true if count == 0 if count.nil? return key_pressed?(key) else return (count >= 23 and (count - 23) % 6 == 0) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: key_pressed? - Created by OriginalWij and Keroro #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def key_pressed?(key) if ([key]).abs & 0x8000 == 0x8000) KeyRepeatCounter[key] = 0 return true end return false end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: typing? - Created by Yanfly and Keroro #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def typing? return true if repeat?(:SPACE) for key in LETTERS return true if repeat?(key) end for key in NUMBERS return true if repeat?(key) end return false end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: key_type - Created by Yanfly and Keroro #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def key_type return " " if repeat?(:SPACE) for key in LETTERS next unless repeat?(key) return upcase? ? key.to_s[3].upcase : key.to_s[3].downcase end for key in NUMBERS return key.to_s[3] if repeat?(key) end for key in NUMPADS return key.to_s[3] if repeat?(key) end return "" end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: upcase? - Created by Yanfly #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def upcase? return !press?(:SHIFT) if[:CAPS]) == 1 return true if press?(:SHIFT) return false endend #Input#===============================================================================# Window_NameEdit#===============================================================================class Window_NameEdit < Window_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(actor, max_char) dw = Graphics.width - 176 dy = (Graphics.height - 128) / 2 if $game_message.visible difference = Graphics.height - 128 case $game_message.position when 0; dy += 64 when 1; dy += 0 when 2; dy -= 64 end end super(88, dy, dw, 128) @actor = actor @name = @max_char = max_char name_array = @name.split(//)[0...@max_char] @name = "" for i in 0...name_array.size @name += name_array[i] end @default_name = @name @index = name_array.size = false refresh end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: item_rect #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def item_rect(index) if index == @max_char rect =, 0, 0, 0) else rect =, 0, 0, 0) rect.x = 112 + index * 12 rect.y = 36 rect.width = 24 rect.height = line_height end return rect endend # Window_NameEdit#===============================================================================# Scene_Base#===============================================================================class Scene_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: name_entry #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def name_entry(actor_id, max_char) @name_actor_id = actor_id @name_entry_max = max_char start_name_entry end_name_entry end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: start_name_entry #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def start_name_entry Graphics.freeze actor = $game_actors[@name_actor_id] @edit_window =, @name_entry_max) Graphics.transition(10) loop do update_name_entry if Input.repeat?(:BACK) and @edit_window.index > 0 Sound.play_cancel @edit_window.back elsif Input.typing? and @edit_window.index != @edit_window.max_char Sound.play_cursor @edit_window.add(Input.key_type) elsif Input.trigger?(:ENTER) Sound.play_ok = break elsif Input.trigger?(:ESC) Sound.play_cancel break end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: update_name_entry #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_name_entry Graphics.update Input.update if SceneManager.scene.is_a?(Scene_Map) $game_map.update @spriteset.update elsif SceneManager.scene.is_a?(Scene_Battle) Graphics.update Input.update $game_system.update $game_troop.update @spriteset.update @message_window.update end @edit_window.update end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # end_name_entry #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def end_name_entry @edit_window.dispose @edit_window = nil @name_actor_id = nil @name_entry_max = nil endend # Scene_Base#===============================================================================# Game_Interpreter#===============================================================================class Game_Interpreter #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: command_303 (Name Input Processing) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def command_303 if $data_actors[@params[0]] != nil SceneManager.scene.name_entry(@params[0], @params[1]) end @index += 1 return false endend # Game_Interpreter Incompatibilità:Nessuna incompatibilità
      Note dell'Autore:
      In modalità finestra il mouse compare e scompare, a schermo intero invece resta nascosto.