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Nome Script: MSX - Scene_Menu MOD

Versione: 1.0

Autore/i: Melosx



Modifica il menu. Riscrive lo stile delle barre non solo nel menù ma in tutto il gioco.








Nello script.







#=============================================================================# ** MSX - Scene_Menu MOD#=============================================================================# Author: Melosx# Version: 2.0 Beta 1# Release Date: 06-01-2012 => v1.0#			   13-06-2012 => v2.0 Beta 1##=============================================================================# * Instructions#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# Copy the script below Materials and above Main.##=============================================================================# * Rewrite#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------## Window_Base:##	    def draw_character#	    def draw_actor_graphic#	    def draw_gauge##=============================================================================# * Add#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------## Window_Base:##	    def draw_actor_exp_gauge##==============================================================================module MSX  #==============================================================================##=============================CONFIGURATION START==============================##==============================================================================#  ACTIVE_MEMBERS = 4 # Default -> 4. Number ofactive member in menu.   USE_GRAPHIC = true # true/false - Use/Not use graphic  USE_FACE = true    # true/false - Use/Not use face.   MAIN_X = 50 # General x coordinate  MAIN_Y = 0 # General y coordinate   # FACE   FACE_X = 1 # Actor Face x coordinate  FACE_Y = 1 # Actor Face y coordinate   FACE_HEIGHT = 64 # Actor Face height    # GRAPHIC   GRAPHIC_X = 24 # Actor Graphic x coordinate  GRAPHIC_Y = 52 # Actor Graphic y coordinate   # GAUGE STYLE   GAUGE_HEIGHT = 6 # HP/MP Gauge width  GAUGE_BORDER = true # HP/MP Gauge Border    # HP   HP_X = 170 # Gauge x coordinate  HP_Y = 20 # Gauge y coordinate   HP_WIDTH = 130 # Gauge width   HP_TYPE = 0 # 0 -> default; 1 -> center; 2 -> inverse;    # MP   MP_X = 175 # Gauge x coordinate  MP_Y = 44 # Gauge y coordinate   MP_WIDTH = 130 # Gauge width   MP_TYPE = 0 # 0 -> default; 1 -> center; 2 -> inverse;    # EXP   EXP_GAUGE_X = 345 # Gauge x coordinate  EXP_GAUGE_Y = 44 # Gauge y coordinate   EXP_GAUGE_WIDTH = 90 # Gauge width  EXP_GAUGE_HEIGHT = 6 # Gauge height   EXP_INFO_X = 340 # Exp Info x coordinate  EXP_INFO_Y = 18 # Exp Info y coordinate   # NAME   NAME_X = 0 # Name x coordinate  NAME_Y = 0 # Name y coordinate    # NICKNAME   NICK_X = 0 # Nickname x coordinate  NICK_Y = 20 # Nickname y coordinate    # LEVEL   LVL_X = 290 # Level x coordinate  LVL_Y = 0 # Level y coordinate    # CLASS   CLASS_X = 100 # Class x coordinate  CLASS_Y = 0 # Class y coordinate    # STATE  STATE_X = 50 # State x coordinate  STATE_Y = 0 # State y coordinate  STATE_NUMBER = 6 # Number of state #==============================================================================##==============================CONFIGURATION END===============================##==============================================================================#end#==============================================================================# ** Game_Party#==============================================================================class Game_Party < Game_Unit  def menu_members    all_members[0, MSX::ACTIVE_MEMBERS].select {|actor| actor.exist? }  endend#==============================================================================# ** Scene_Menu#==============================================================================class Scene_Menu < Scene_MenuBase   def start    super    create_command_window    create_gold_window    create_status_window  end   def create_gold_window    @gold_window =    @gold_window.x = 0    @gold_window.y = Graphics.height - @gold_window.height  end   def create_status_window    @status_window =, 48)  end end#==============================================================================# ** Window_MenuCommand#==============================================================================class Window_MenuCommand < Window_Command   def initialize    super(0, 0)    self.contents.font.size = 16    select_last  end   def visible_line_number    return 1  end   def col_max    return 7  end   def spacing    return 4  end   def window_width    return 544  end  def window_height    return 48  endend#==============================================================================# ** Window_MenuStatus#==============================================================================class Window_MenuStatus < Window_Selectable  attr_reader   :pending_index   def initialize(x, y)    super(x, y, window_width, window_height)    self.contents.font.size = 16    @pending_index = -1    refresh  end   def window_width    544  end   def window_height    320  end   def draw_item(index)    actor = $game_party.members[index]    enabled = $game_party.menu_members.include?(actor)    rect = item_rect(index)    draw_item_background(index)    if MSX::USE_FACE	  draw_actor_menu_face(actor, rect.x + MSX::FACE_X, rect.y + MSX::FACE_Y, enabled)	  draw_actor_simple_status(actor, rect.x + MSX::MAIN_X, rect.y + MSX::MAIN_Y)    else	  draw_actor_simple_status(actor, rect.x + MSX::MAIN_X, rect.y + MSX::MAIN_Y)    end    if MSX::USE_GRAPHIC	  draw_actor_graphic(actor, MSX::GRAPHIC_X, rect.y + MSX::GRAPHIC_Y, enabled)    end  end   def draw_actor_simple_status(actor, x, y)    draw_actor_name(actor, x + MSX::NAME_X, y + MSX::NAME_Y)    draw_actor_nickname(actor, x + MSX::NICK_X, y + MSX::NICK_Y, 160)    draw_actor_level(actor, x + MSX::LVL_X, y + MSX::LVL_Y)    draw_actor_icons(actor, MSX::STATE_X, MSX::STATE_Y + line_height * 2, MSX::STATE_NUMBER * 24)    draw_actor_class(actor, x + MSX::CLASS_X, y + MSX::CLASS_Y)    draw_actor_hp(actor, x + MSX::HP_X, y + MSX::HP_Y, MSX::HP_WIDTH, MSX::HP_TYPE)    draw_actor_mp(actor, x + MSX::MP_X, y + MSX::MP_Y, MSX::MP_WIDTH, MSX::MP_TYPE)    draw_actor_exp_gauge(actor, x + MSX::EXP_GAUGE_X,  y + MSX::EXP_GAUGE_Y, MSX::EXP_GAUGE_WIDTH)    draw_exp_info(actor, x + MSX::EXP_INFO_X, y + MSX::EXP_INFO_Y)  end   def draw_actor_class(actor, x, y, width = 112)    change_color(system_color)    draw_text(x, y, 52, line_height, "Class:")    change_color(normal_color)    draw_text(x + 54, y, width, line_height,  end   def draw_exp_info(actor, x, y)    self.contents.font.color = text_color(0)    if actor.level != 99	  s1 = actor.exp - actor.current_level_exp	  s2 = actor.next_level_exp - actor.current_level_exp    else	  s1 = "-"	  s2 = "-"    end    exp = s1.to_s + " / " + s2.to_s    change_color(system_color)    draw_text(x, y, 100, line_height, "Experience")    change_color(normal_color)    draw_text(x, y + 12, 100, line_height, exp, 2)  endend#==============================================================================# ** Window_Base#==============================================================================class Window_Base < Window   def draw_menu_face(face_name, face_index, x, y, enabled = true)    bitmap = Cache.face(face_name)    rect = % 4 * 96, face_index / 4 * 96, 96, MSX::FACE_HEIGHT)    contents.blt(x, y, bitmap, rect, enabled ? 255 : translucent_alpha)    bitmap.dispose  end   def draw_actor_menu_face(actor, x, y, enabled = true)    draw_menu_face(actor.face_name, actor.face_index, x, y, enabled)  end   def draw_character(character_name, character_index, x, y, enabled=true)    return unless character_name    bitmap = Cache.character(character_name)    sign = character_name[/^[\!\$]./]    if sign && sign.include?('$')	  cw = bitmap.width / 3	  ch = bitmap.height / 4    else	  cw = bitmap.width / 12	  ch = bitmap.height / 8    end    n = character_index    src_rect =*3+1)*cw, (n/4*4)*ch, cw, ch)    contents.blt(x - cw / 2, y - ch, bitmap, src_rect, enabled ? 255 : translucent_alpha)  end   def draw_actor_graphic(actor, x, y, enabled=true)    draw_character(actor.character_name, actor.character_index, x, y, enabled)  end   def draw_gauge(x, y, width, rate, color1, color2, type = 0)    fill_w = (width * rate).to_i    gauge_y = y + line_height - 8    if MSX::GAUGE_BORDER	  contents.fill_rect(x - 2, gauge_y - 2, width + 4, MSX::GAUGE_HEIGHT + 4, gauge_back_color)	  contents.fill_rect(x - 1, gauge_y - 1, width + 2, MSX::GAUGE_HEIGHT + 2, normal_color)    end    case type	  when 0	    contents.fill_rect(x, gauge_y, width, MSX::GAUGE_HEIGHT, gauge_back_color)	    contents.gradient_fill_rect(x, gauge_y, fill_w, MSX::GAUGE_HEIGHT, color1, color2)	  when 1	    gr_x = x + (width - fill_w) / 2	    contents.fill_rect(x, gauge_y, width, MSX::GAUGE_HEIGHT, gauge_back_color)	    contents.gradient_fill_rect(gr_x, gauge_y, fill_w, MSX::GAUGE_HEIGHT, color1, color2)	  when 2	    gr_x = x + (width - fill_w)	    contents.fill_rect(x, gauge_y, width, MSX::GAUGE_HEIGHT, gauge_back_color)	    contents.gradient_fill_rect(gr_x, gauge_y, fill_w, MSX::GAUGE_HEIGHT, color1, color2)    end  end   def draw_actor_hp(actor, x, y, width = 124, type = 0)    draw_gauge(x, y, width, actor.hp_rate, hp_gauge_color1, hp_gauge_color2, type)    change_color(system_color)    draw_text(x, y, 30, line_height, Vocab::hp_a)    draw_current_and_max_values(x, y, width, actor.hp, actor.mhp,	  hp_color(actor), normal_color)  end     def draw_actor_mp(actor, x, y, width = 124, type = 0)    draw_gauge(x, y, width, actor.mp_rate, mp_gauge_color1, mp_gauge_color2, type)    change_color(system_color)    draw_text(x, y, 30, line_height, Vocab::mp_a)    draw_current_and_max_values(x, y, width,, actor.mmp,	  mp_color(actor), normal_color)  end   def draw_actor_exp_gauge(actor, x, y, width = 100)    if actor.level != 99	  s1 = actor.exp - actor.current_level_exp	  s2 = actor.next_level_exp - actor.current_level_exp	  gw = width * s1 / s2    else	  gw = 0    end    gc1 = text_color(14)    gc2 = text_color(6)    self.contents.fill_rect(x - 1, y - 1, width + 4, MSX::EXP_GAUGE_HEIGHT + 4, gauge_back_color)    self.contents.fill_rect(x, y, width + 2, MSX::EXP_GAUGE_HEIGHT + 2, normal_color)    self.contents.fill_rect(x + 1, y + 1, width, MSX::EXP_GAUGE_HEIGHT, gauge_back_color)    self.contents.gradient_fill_rect(x + 1, y + 1, gw, MSX::EXP_GAUGE_HEIGHT, gc1, gc2)  endend#==============================================================================# ** Window_MenuPlus_Horz#==============================================================================class Window_MenuPlus_Horz < Window_Base   def initialize    super(0, 0, window_width, fitting_height(1))    self.contents.font.size = 16    refresh  end   def update    super    sec = (Graphics.frame_count / Graphics.frame_rate) % 60    if sec > @total_sec % 60 or sec == 0	  refresh    end  end   def window_width    return 544  end   def refresh    contents.clear    draw_currency_value(value, currency_unit, 4, 0, 120)    draw_text(4, 0, 120, line_height, "Gold:", 0)    draw_text(195, 0, 120, line_height, "Steps:", 0)    draw_text(390, 0, 120, line_height, "Time:", 0)    change_color(normal_color)    draw_text(195, 0, 120, line_height, $game_party.steps, 2)    @total_sec = Graphics.frame_count / Graphics.frame_rate    ora = @total_sec / 60 / 60    min = @total_sec / 60 % 60    sec = @total_sec % 60    tempo = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", ora, min, sec)    draw_text(390, 0, 120, line_height, tempo, 2)  end   def value    $  end   def currency_unit    Vocab::currency_unit  end   def open    refresh    super  end end


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'| |' or '' # Any invalid symbol will result in the default | as well # # - - W A R N I N G - - # # When using the following bracket: # \ # Ensure it is followed a space (eg. '| \ ') or itself (eg. '| \\') # If the rest of the text below turns purple, you've done it wrong #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- HPSTYLE = '| |' # Style of the HP Gauge MPSTYLE = '| |' # Style of the MP Gauge TPSTYLE = '/ /' # Style of the TP Gauge PARSTYLE = '( )' # Style of the Parameter Gauges #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Additional Gauge Preferences # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # Simple adjustments to aesthetics # Advised to use SLANTDSIZE if you have used / or \ in multiple bars #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- THICKCURVED = false # Slightly thicken curved bars? SLANTDSIZE = true # Shorten slanted bars? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Gauge Border Colors # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # Control the colours of the gauge borders #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLOR1 =, 0, 0, 192) # Outer Border COLOR2 =, 255, 192, 192) # Inner Border #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Empty Cauge Filler Colors # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # Control the colours of the empty gauge filler #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLOR3 =, 0, 0, 12) # Half of Inner Shading COLOR4 =, 0, 0, 92) # Half of Inner Shading #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Paramater Gauge Colors # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # Control the colours of various parameters such as ATK, DEF, etc. # (HP, MP, TP are in the 'Complex Configuration' section) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def param_gauge_color1(param_id) case param_id when 2 text_color(20) # ATK Gauge Color1 when 3 text_color(14) # DEF Gauge Color1 when 4 text_color(30) # MAT Gauge Color1 when 5 text_color(13) # MDF Gauge Color1 when 6 text_color(28) # AGI Gauge Color1 when 7 text_color(19) # LUK Gauge Color1 end end def param_gauge_color2(param_id) case param_id when 2 text_color(21) # ATK Gauge Color1 when 3 text_color(6) # DEF Gauge Color1 when 4 text_color(31) # MAT Gauge Color1 when 5 text_color(5) # MDF Gauge Color1 when 6 text_color(29) # AGI Gauge Color1 when 7 text_color(7) # LUK Gauge Color1 end end #===================================================# # ** C O M P L E X C O N F I G U R A T I O N ** # #===================================================# #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * HP Gauge Colors # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # Control the colours of the HP gauge # (Edit only if you know what you're doing) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def hp_gauge_color1 # HP Guage Color1 return - 24 * @rate, 80 * @rate, 14 * @rate, 192) end def hp_gauge_color2 # HP Guage Color2 return - 72 * @rate, 240 * @rate, 62 * @rate, 192) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * MP Gauge Colors # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # Control the colours of the MP gauge # (Edit only if you know what you're doing) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def mp_gauge_color1 # MP Guage Color1 return * @rate, 80 - 24 * @rate, 80 * @rate, 192) end def mp_gauge_color2 # MP Guage Color2 return * @rate, 240 - 72 * @rate, 240 * @rate, 192) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * TP Gauge Colors # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # Control the colours of the TP gauge # (Edit only if you know what you're doing) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def tp_gauge_color1 # TP Gauge Color1 return auto_color(,0,0,192),,110,0,192)) end def tp_gauge_color2 # TP Gauge Color2 return auto_color(,165,0,192),,220,0,192)) end #===================================================# # ** E N D C O N F I G U R A T I O N ** # #===================================================# #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Public Instance Variables #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- attr_accessor :rate # Rate for Colour calculations #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias Listings #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias draw_actor_param_original draw_actor_param alias initialize_original initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Object Initialization #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(x, y, width, height) @rate = 1.0 initialize_original(x, y, width, height) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Draw HP #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_actor_hp(actor, x, y, width = 124) @rate = [actor.hp_rate, 1.0].min draw_syvkal_gauge(x, y, width, @rate, hp_gauge_color1, hp_gauge_color2, HPSTYLE) change_color(system_color) draw_text(x, y, 30, line_height, Vocab::hp_a) draw_current_and_max_values(x, y, width, actor.hp, actor.mhp, hp_color(actor), normal_color) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Draw MP #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_actor_mp(actor, x, y, width = 124) @rate = [actor.mp_rate, 1.0].min draw_syvkal_gauge(x, y, width, @rate, mp_gauge_color1, mp_gauge_color2, MPSTYLE) change_color(system_color) draw_text(x, y, 30, line_height, Vocab::mp_a) draw_current_and_max_values(x, y, width,, actor.mmp, mp_color(actor), normal_color) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Draw TP #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_actor_tp(actor, x, y, width = 124) @rate = [actor.tp_rate, 1.0].min draw_syvkal_gauge(x, y, width, @rate, tp_gauge_color1, tp_gauge_color2, TPSTYLE) change_color(system_color) draw_text(x, y, 30, line_height, Vocab::tp_a) change_color(tp_color(actor)) draw_text(x + width - 42, y, 42, line_height,, 2) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Draw Parameters # actor : actor # x : draw spot x-coordinate # y : draw spot y-coordinate # type : Type of parameters (0-3) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_actor_param(actor, x, y, param_id, width = 156) draw_syvkal_gauge(x, y, width, actor.params_rate(param_id), param_gauge_color1(param_id), param_gauge_color2(param_id), PARSTYLE) draw_actor_param_original(actor, x, y, param_id) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Auto Generate Color # color1 : initial color # color2 : ending color # r : rate (full at 1.0) 1 -> color1, 0 -> color2 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def auto_color(color1, color2, r = @rate) a_color = = (1-r)* + r* = (1-r)* + r* = (1-r)* + r* a_color.alpha = (1-r)*color2.alpha + r*color1.alpha return a_color end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Draw Syvkal Style Gauge # rate : Rate (full at 1.0) # color1 : Left side color # color2 : Right side color # style : gauge draw style #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_syvkal_gauge(x, y, width, rate, color1, color2, style = '') fill_w = (width * rate).to_i gauge_y = y + line_height - 8 h = 6 style.slice!(/\s*/); style = style.split(/\s*/) if style.empty? or (style[0] == '|' && style[1] == '|') contents.fill_rect(x-2, gauge_y-2, width+4, 10, COLOR1) contents.fill_rect(x-1, gauge_y-1, width+2, 8, COLOR2) contents.gradient_fill_rect(x, gauge_y, width, 6, COLOR3, COLOR4) contents.gradient_fill_rect(x, gauge_y, fill_w, 6, color1, color2) else adj1 = style_adj_string(style[0]); adj2 = style_adj_string(style[1], true) h += 4 for i in 0...h a1 = eval(adj1[0]); a2 = eval(adj2[0]) a3 = adj1[2]; a4 = adj2[4].nil? ? adj2[2] : adj2[4] contents.fill_rect(x-a3 +a1, gauge_y-2 + i, width+(a3+a4) - a1 - a2, 1, COLOR1) end h -= 2 for i in 0...h a1 = eval(adj1[0]); a2 = eval(adj2[0]) a3 = adj1[1]; a4 = adj2[3].nil? ? adj2[1] : adj2[3] contents.fill_rect(x-a3 +a1, gauge_y-1 + i, width+(a3+a4) - a1 - a2, 1, COLOR2) end h -= 2 for i in 0...h a1 = eval(adj1[0]); a2 = eval(adj2[0]) contents.gradient_fill_rect(x +a1, gauge_y +i, width - a1 - a2, 1, COLOR3, COLOR4) end for i in 0...h a1 = eval(adj1[0]); a2 = eval(adj2[0]) contents.gradient_fill_rect(x +a1, gauge_y +i, fill_w - a1 - a2, 1, color1, color2) end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Get Style Specific Adjustment Array # sym : edge style '(', ')', '<', '>', '|', '/' or '\' # edge : end of the gauge? # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # Returns an array containing the following: # * a formular string to be evaluated # * adjustments to x and width values for Outer and Inner Borders #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def style_adj_string(sym, edge = false) case sym when '/' SLANTDSIZE ? [(edge ? 'i+2' : '(h+1) - i'), 3, 5] : [(edge ? 'i' : '(h-1) - i'), 3, 5] when '\\' SLANTDSIZE ? [(edge ? '(h+1) - i' : 'i+2'), 3, 5] : [(edge ? '(h-1) - i' : 'i'), 3, 5] when '<' [(edge ? '(h/2)-((h/2) - i).abs' : '((h/2) - i).abs'), 2, 3] when '>' [(edge ? '((h/2) - i).abs' : '(h/2)-((h/2) - i).abs'), 2, 3] when '(' [(edge ? '((h/2) * Math.sin(i * 1.0 * Math::PI / (h-1))).round.to_i' : '(h-6) - ((h/2) * Math.sin(i * 1.0 * Math::PI / (h-1))).round.to_i'), THICKCURVED ? 3 : 2, THICKCURVED ? 5 : 4, 3, 5] when ')' [(edge ? '(h-3) - ((h/2) * Math.sin(i * 1.0 * Math::PI / (h-1))).round.to_i' : '((h/2) * Math.sin(i * 1.0 * Math::PI / (h-1))).round.to_i'), 3, 5, THICKCURVED ? 3 : 2, THICKCURVED ? 5 : 4] else # eg. | or invalid sym ['0', 1, 2] end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Draw Gauge #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_gauge(x, y, width, rate, color1, color2, style = '') r = [rate, 1.0].min draw_syvkal_gauge(x, y, width, r, color1, color2, style) endend#==============================================================================# ** Game_BattlerBase#------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Added specialised 'params_rate' function.#==============================================================================class Game_BattlerBase #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Get Percentage of Paramaters #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def params_rate(param_id) return [param(param_id).to_f / P_MAX, 1.0].min endend#==============================================================================# ** Script Import#============================================================================== $imported = {} if $imported == nil $imported["Syvkal's Menu Bars"] = true
    • Da Ally
      Nome Script: MSX - Windowskin 128 Color
      Versione: 1.0
      Autore/i: Melosx
      Permette di inserire nella windowskin 128 quadratini colorati da usare nei vostri giochi al posto dei 32 di default... Volendo avrei potuto portare al massimo numero inseribile i colori ma non credo ci sia qualcuno che abbia intenzione di usare 2048 colori diversi nella windowskin...
      Copiatelo, come ogni altro, sotto Materials e sopra Main. Usate la windowskin che ho postato come base... Le prima due righe di colori sono quelli standard...
      Nello script ci sono altre istruzioni...

      #==============================================================================# ** Windowskin 128 Color v1.0#==============================================================================# Author: Melosx# Release Date: 10/04/2012 => v1.0#==============================================================================# * Instructions# -----------------------------------# Place the script under Material and above Main.##==============================================================================# * Description# -----------------------------------# With this script you can use a windowskin with 128 colors.# You can add new color code following the instruction in the Color Zone.##==============================================================================class Window_Base < Window #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|COLORS ZONE|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=### To add new color follow this template:## def COLOR_NAME; text_color(ID); end## ID is a number from 0 to 127 and it is the place of the color in the# windowskin.##----------------------------ADD HERE YOUR COLORS-----------------------------# def msx_color; text_color(32); end; # <- My favourite color ^.^ #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==--=-=-|END|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=# def text_color(n) windowskin.get_pixel(64 + (n % 16) * 4, 96 + (n / 16) * 4) end end