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  1. Ally

    Interfacce Bestiario

    Titolo: Bestiario Versione: ? Autore/i: DaD and RagnarokM Informazioni: script di un bestiario Istruzioni: - inserire sopra main Script:: #by DaD and RagnarokM module Enemy_Book_Config DROP_ITEM_NEED_ANALYZE = false EVA_NAME = "Evasione" SHOW_COMPLETE_TYPE = 3 end class Game_Temp attr_accessor :enemy_book_data alias temp_enemy_book_data_initialize initialize def initialize temp_enemy_book_data_initialize @enemy_book_data = end end class Game_Party attr_accessor :enemy_info #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias book_info_initialize initialize def initialize book_info_initialize @enemy_info = {} end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def add_enemy_info(enemy_id, type = 0) case type when 0 if @enemy_info[enemy_id] == 2 return false end @enemy_info[enemy_id] = 1 when 1 @enemy_info[enemy_id] = 2 when -1 @enemy_info[enemy_id] = 0 end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def enemy_book_max return $game_temp.enemy_book_data.id_data.size - 1 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def enemy_book_now now_enemy_info = @enemy_info.keys no_add = $game_temp.enemy_book_data.no_add_element new_enemy_info = [] for i in now_enemy_info enemy = $data_enemies[i] next if == "" if enemy.element_ranks[no_add] == 1 next end new_enemy_info.push( end return new_enemy_info.size end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def enemy_book_complete_percentage e_max = enemy_book_max.to_f e_now = enemy_book_now.to_f comp = e_now / e_max * 100 return comp.truncate end end class Interpreter def enemy_book_max return $game_party.enemy_book_max end def enemy_book_now return $game_party.enemy_book_now end def enemy_book_comp return $game_party.enemy_book_complete_percentage end end class Scene_Battle alias add_enemy_info_start_phase5 start_phase5 def start_phase5 for enemy in $game_troop.enemies unless enemy.hidden $game_party.add_enemy_info(, 0) end end add_enemy_info_start_phase5 end end class Window_Base < Window def initialize(x, y, width, height) super() self.contents = (width - 32, height - 32) = "Arial" @windowskin_name = $game_system.windowskin_name self.windowskin = RPG::Cache.windowskin(@windowskin_name) self.x = x self.y = y self.width = width self.height = height self.z = 100 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_enemy_drop_item(enemy, x, y) self.contents.font.color = normal_color = "Arial" treasures = [] if enemy.item_id > 0 treasures.push($data_items[enemy.item_id]) end if enemy.weapon_id > 0 treasures.push($data_weapons[enemy.weapon_id]) end if enemy.armor_id > 0 treasures.push($data_armors[enemy.armor_id]) end if treasures.size > 0 item = treasures[0] bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(item.icon_name) opacity = 255 self.contents.blt(x, y + 4, bitmap,, 0, 24, 24), opacity) name = treasures[0].name else self.contents.font.color = disabled_color = "Arial" name = "No Item" end self.contents.draw_text(x+28, y, 212, 32, name) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_enemy_book_id(enemy, x, y) self.contents.font.color = normal_color = "Arial" id = $game_temp.enemy_book_data.id_data.index( self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 32, 32, id.to_s) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_enemy_name(enemy, x, y) self.contents.font.color = normal_color = "Arial" self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 152, 32, end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_enemy_graphic(enemy, x, y, opacity = 255) bitmap = RPG::Cache.battler(enemy.battler_name, enemy.battler_hue) cw = bitmap.width ch = bitmap.height src_rect =, 0, cw, ch) x = x + (cw / 2 - <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sourirex.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='X)' /> if cw / 2 > x self.contents.blt(x - cw / 2, y - ch, bitmap, src_rect, opacity) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_enemy_exp(enemy, x, y) self.contents.font.color = system_color = "Arial" self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 120, 32, "EXP") self.contents.font.color = normal_color = "Arial" self.contents.draw_text(x + 120, y, 36, 32, enemy.exp.to_s, 2) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_enemy_gold(enemy, x, y) self.contents.font.color = system_color = "Arial" self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 120, 32, $ self.contents.font.color = normal_color = "Arial" self.contents.draw_text(x + 120, y, 36, 32,, 2) end end class Game_Enemy_Book < Game_Enemy #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(enemy_id) super(2, 1) @enemy_id = enemy_id enemy = $data_enemies[@enemy_id] @battler_name = enemy.battler_name @battler_hue = enemy.battler_hue @hp = maxhp @sp = maxsp end end class Data_MonsterBook attr_reader :id_data #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize @id_data = enemy_book_id_set end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def no_add_element no_add = 0 for i in 1...$data_system.elements.size if $data_system.elements[i] =~ /Monster Book/ no_add = i break end end return no_add end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def enemy_book_id_set data = [0] no_add = no_add_element for i in 1...$data_enemies.size enemy = $data_enemies[i] next if == "" if enemy.element_ranks[no_add] == 1 next end data.push( end return data end end class Window_MonsterBook < Window_Selectable attr_reader :data #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(index=0) super(0, 64, 640, 416) @column_max = 2 @book_data = $game_temp.enemy_book_data @data = @book_data.id_data.dup @data.shift @item_max = @data.size self.index = 0 refresh if @item_max > 0 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def data_set data = $game_party.enemy_info.keys data.sort! newdata = [] for i in data next if $game_party.enemy_info[i] == 0 if book_id(i) != nil newdata.push(i) end end return newdata end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def show?(id) if $game_party.enemy_info[id] == 0 or $game_party.enemy_info[id] == nil return false else return true end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def book_id(id) return @book_data.index(id) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def item return @data[self.index] end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh if self.contents != nil self.contents.dispose self.contents = nil end self.contents = - 32, row_max * 32) if @item_max > 0 for i in 0...@item_max draw_item(i) end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_item(index) enemy = $data_enemies[@data[index]] return if enemy == nil x = 4 + index % 2 * (288 + 32) y = index / 2 * 32 rect =, y, self.width / @column_max - 32, 32) self.contents.fill_rect(rect,, 0, 0, 0)) self.contents.font.color = normal_color = "Arial" draw_enemy_book_id(enemy, x, y) if show?( self.contents.draw_text(x + 28+16, y, 212, 32,, 0) else self.contents.draw_text(x + 28+16, y, 212, 32, "-----", 0) return end if analyze?(@data[index]) self.contents.font.color = text_color(3) = "Arial" self.contents.draw_text(x + 256, y, 24, 32, "Cancel", 2) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def analyze?(enemy_id) if $game_party.enemy_info[enemy_id] == 2 return true else return false end end end class Window_MonsterBook_Info < Window_Base include Enemy_Book_Config #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize super(0, 0+64, 640, 480-64) self.contents = - 32, height - 32) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh(enemy_id) self.contents.clear = "Arial" self.contents.font.size = 22 enemy = draw_enemy_graphic(enemy, 96, 240+48+64, 200) draw_enemy_book_id(enemy, 4, 0) draw_enemy_name(enemy, 48, 0) draw_actor_hp(enemy, 288, 0) draw_actor_sp(enemy, 288+160, 0) draw_actor_parameter(enemy, 288 , 32, 0) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(288+160, 32, 120, 32, EVA_NAME) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(288+160 + 120, 32, 36, 32, enemy.eva.to_s, 2) draw_actor_parameter(enemy, 288 , 64, 3) draw_actor_parameter(enemy, 288+160, 64, 4) draw_actor_parameter(enemy, 288 , 96, 5) draw_actor_parameter(enemy, 288+160, 96, 6) draw_actor_parameter(enemy, 288 , 128, 1) draw_actor_parameter(enemy, 288+160, 128, 2) draw_enemy_exp(enemy, 288, 160) draw_enemy_gold(enemy, 288+160, 160) if analyze?( or !DROP_ITEM_NEED_ANALYZE self.contents.draw_text(288, 192, 96, 32, "Oggetto lasciato") draw_enemy_drop_item(enemy, 288+96+4, 192) self.contents.font.color = normal_color end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def analyze?(enemy_id) if $game_party.enemy_info[enemy_id] == 2 return true else return false end end end class Scene_MonsterBook include Enemy_Book_Config #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def main $game_temp.enemy_book_data = @title_window =, 0, 640, 64) @title_window.contents = - 32, 64 - 32) @title_window.contents.draw_text(4, 0, 320, 32, "Monster Book", 0) if SHOW_COMPLETE_TYPE != 0 case SHOW_COMPLETE_TYPE when 1 e_now = $game_party.enemy_book_now e_max = $game_party.enemy_book_max text = e_now.to_s + "/" + e_max.to_s when 2 comp = $game_party.enemy_book_complete_percentage text = comp.to_s + "%" when 3 e_now = $game_party.enemy_book_now e_max = $game_party.enemy_book_max comp = $game_party.enemy_book_complete_percentage text = e_now.to_s + "/" + e_max.to_s + " " + comp.to_s + "%" end if text != nil @title_window.contents.draw_text(320, 0, 288, 32, text, 2) end end @main_window = = true @info_window = @info_window.z = 110 @info_window.visible = false = false @visible_index = 0 Graphics.transition loop do Graphics.update Input.update update if $scene != self break end end Graphics.freeze @main_window.dispose @info_window.dispose @title_window.dispose end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update @main_window.update @info_window.update if update_info return end if update_main return end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_main if Input.trigger?(Input:: $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se) $scene = return end if Input.trigger?(Input::C) if @main_window.item == nil or == false $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se) return end $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) = false = true @info_window.visible = true @visible_index = @main_window.index @info_window.refresh(@main_window.item) return end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_info if Input.trigger?(Input:: $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se) = true = false @info_window.visible = false return end if Input.trigger?(Input::C) return end if Input.trigger?(Input::L) $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) loop_end = false while loop_end == false if @visible_index != 0 @visible_index -= 1 else @visible_index = - 1 end loop_end = true if[@visible_index]) end id =[@visible_index] @info_window.refresh(id) return end if Input.trigger?(Input::R) $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) loop_end = false while loop_end == false if @visible_index != - 1 @visible_index += 1 else @visible_index = 0 end loop_end = true if[@visible_index]) end id =[@visible_index] @info_window.refresh(id) return end end end Demo:Nessuna Demo Incompatibilita: script Equipment Creator