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  1. Ally

    CMS Menù FFIX

    Nome Script: Menù FFIX Versione: N/D Autore/i: BigEd781 Informazioni: Questo script permette di rendere il vostro menu molto simile al menu di Final Fantasy IX. Viene fornito con un windowskin personalizzata e alcune immagini per la corretta visualizzazione del menu. Istruzioni: Inserite lo script sopra Main, e nella cartella Graphics/Pictures inseriteci queste immagini: Script: =begin BigEd781' Final Fantasy IX Menu Credit to PainHurt at for most of the graphics =end module FF9_Config # set this to 'true' if you would like to use a cusotm background image USE_CUSTOM_BACK = false # the name of the custom background image, without the file extension (no .png) BACK_NAME = 'StoneBackground' # if you set this to 'true', you must be using the enhanced # Window class script that I posted: You can get that script here: # # this will make the provided FF9 windowskin look really good. USE_TILED_WINDOW = false # When this is set to 'true', the menu cirsor will animate back and forth. # When set to 'false', it will stay in place ANIMATE_CURSOR = false # When set to 'true', four background panels are always drawn. # When set to 'false', a panel is only drawn for each party member DRAW_FOR_ALL = true # the name of the font used in the menu. # use 'Font.default_name' for the default font. Try 'Centaur' for a nice, smaller font. DEFAULT_FONT = Font.default_name # set this to true to enable the font above for all windows. # also sets the back_opacity to 255 for all windows. # I recommend setting this to 'true' to maintain a consistent look. USE_FOR_ALL = true # the icon id for your gold window portion of the menu, 194 by default. GOLD_ICON_ID = 194 end if FF9_Config::USE_FOR_ALL Font.default_name = FF9_Config::DEFAULT_FONT class Window_Base < Window alias :eds_pre_ff9_menu_base_initialize :initialize def initialize(*args) eds_pre_ff9_menu_base_initialize(*args) self.stretch = false if FF9_Config::USE_TILED_WINDOW self.back_opacity = 255 end end end class Window_Base < Window CAPTION_COLOR =,255,255)#(228, 228, 228) CAPTION_HEIGHT = 12 X_OFFSET = 16 Y_OFFSET = -5 alias :eds_pre_window_caption_intialize :initialize def initialize(*args) eds_pre_window_caption_intialize(*args) @caption_sprite = create_caption_bitmap(1, CAPTION_HEIGHT) @caption_sprite.x = self.x + X_OFFSET @caption_sprite.y = self.y + Y_OFFSET @caption_sprite.z = self.z + 1 end def x=(value) super @caption_sprite.x = value + X_OFFSET unless @caption_sprite.nil? end def y=(value) super @caption_sprite.y = value + Y_OFFSET unless @caption_sprite.nil? end def z=(value) super @caption_sprite.z = value + 1 unless @caption_sprite.nil? end def caption=(text) return unless text.is_a?(String) return if text.empty? @caption = text width = @caption_sprite.bitmap.text_size(@caption).width create_caption_bitmap(width, CAPTION_HEIGHT) draw_caption end def create_caption_bitmap(w, h) @caption_sprite.bitmap =, h) @caption_sprite.bitmap.font.size = 12 @caption_sprite.bitmap.font.color = CAPTION_COLOR @caption_sprite.bitmap.font.bold = true end def draw_caption unless @caption.nil? h = @caption_sprite.bitmap.height w = @caption_sprite.bitmap.width rect = 0, h / 2, w, h / 4 ) @caption_sprite.bitmap.fill_rect(rect,, 0, 0, 96)) @caption_sprite.bitmap.draw_text(@caption_sprite.src_rect, @caption) end end alias :eds_pre_caption_window_dispose :dispose def dispose eds_pre_caption_window_dispose @caption_sprite.dispose end def find_window_width(text) return, 416).text_size(text).width + 32 end end class Window_TimeGold < Window_Base def initialize(x, y) width = find_window_width("9999999") width = 140 if width < 140 super(x, y, width, WLH + 58) self.back_opacity = 255 self.stretch = false if FF9_Config::USE_TILED_WINDOW = FF9_Config::DEFAULT_FONT self.caption = "TIME & #{}" @time_icon = Cache.picture('Timer') @intern_frame_count = 0 refresh end def draw_time sec = (Graphics.frame_count / 60) % 60 min = (Graphics.frame_count / 3600) % 60 hrs = Graphics.frame_count / 216000 self.contents.font.color =, 255, 255) time = "%02d:%02d:%02d" % [hrs, min, sec] self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, self.contents.width, WLH, time, 2) end def refresh self.contents.clear self.contents.blt(0, 0, @time_icon, @time_icon.rect) draw_icon(FF9_Config::GOLD_ICON_ID, 2, WLH) draw_currency_value($, 0, WLH, self.contents.width) draw_time end def draw_currency_value(value, x, y, width) gold_text = cx = contents.text_size(gold_text[0,1]).width self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(x, y, width - cx - 2, WLH, value, 2) self.contents.font.color = system_color # just print the first character of Vocab::gold self.contents.draw_text(x, y, width, WLH, gold_text[0,1], 2) end def update super @intern_frame_count += 1 return if (@intern_frame_count % 60) != 0 refresh end def find_window_width(text) return, 416).text_size(text).width + 80 end end class Window_MenuLocation < Window_Base def initialize(x, y) @map_name = load_data("Data/MapInfos.rvdata")[$game_map.map_id].name width = find_window_width(@map_name) super(x, y, width, WLH + 32) self.stretch = false if FF9_Config::USE_TILED_WINDOW = FF9_Config::DEFAULT_FONT self.back_opacity = 255 self.caption = "LOCATION" refresh end def refresh self.contents.clear self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, self.contents.width, WLH, @map_name, 1) end def find_window_width(text) return, 416).text_size(text).width + 48 end end class Window_Command < Window_Selectable alias :eds_pre_ff9_menu_win_command_init :initialize def initialize(*args) @font_name = Font.default_name eds_pre_ff9_menu_win_command_init(*args) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * OVERWRITTEN #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh self.contents.clear = @font_name for i in 0...@item_max draw_item(i) end end def font_name=(name) @font_name = name end end class Window_Uses < Window_Base def initialize(right, y, item) @remaining_text = "Remaining: #{$game_party.item_number(item)}" w = 160 x = right ? (544 - w) : 0 super(x, y, w, WLH + 32) self.stretch = false if FF9_Config::USE_TILED_WINDOW = FF9_Config::DEFAULT_FONT refresh end def item=(item) return unless item.is_a?(RPG::Item) @remaining_text = "Remaining: #{$game_party.item_number(item)}" refresh end def visible=(value) super refresh if value end def refresh self.contents.clear self.contents.draw_text(self.contents.rect, @remaining_text, 1) end end class Window_SkillUses < Window_Base def initialize(right, y, actor, skill) @remaining_text = make_info_string(actor, skill) w = 182 x = right ? (544 - w) : 0 super(x, y, w, WLH + 32) self.stretch = false if FF9_Config::USE_TILED_WINDOW = FF9_Config::DEFAULT_FONT refresh end def make_info_string(actor, skill) return if actor.nil? || skill.nil? cost = actor.calc_mp_cost(skill) return "Unlimited" if cost < 1 return "Remaining: #{ / cost}" end def set_skill(actor, skill) return if actor.nil? || skill.nil? return unless skill.is_a?(RPG::Skill) @remaining_text = make_info_string(actor, skill) refresh end def visible=(value) super refresh if value end def refresh self.contents.clear self.contents.draw_text(self.contents.rect, @remaining_text, 1) end end class Window_MenuStatus < Window_Selectable #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * OVERWRITTEN #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(x, y) super(x, y, 452, 352) @bg_image = Cache.picture('FF9_MenuBar') @arrow_image = Cache.picture('Pointer') create_arrow_sprites @sprite_last_draw_x = 0 @sprite_inc_x = 1 @intern_frame_count = 0 self.stretch = false if FF9_Config::USE_TILED_WINDOW = FF9_Config::DEFAULT_FONT self.opacity = 0 self.z = 99 = false self.index = -1 refresh end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * create_arrow_sprites #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_arrow_sprites @arrow_sprites = [] for i in 0..3 @arrow_sprites << @arrow_sprites[i].bitmap = + 7, @arrow_image.height) @arrow_sprites[i].x = self.x @arrow_sprites[i].y = (i * 80) + self.y + 40 @arrow_sprites[i].z = 999 end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * OVERWRITTEN #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh self.contents.clear @item_max = $game_party.members.size draw_background_windows if FF9_Config::DRAW_FOR_ALL for actor in $game_party.members x = 104 y = actor.index * 80 y_offset = 6 draw_background_window(0, y) unless FF9_Config::DRAW_FOR_ALL draw_actor_face(actor, 19, y + 4, 73) draw_actor_name(actor, x, y + y_offset) draw_actor_class(actor, x + 125, y + y_offset) if actor.states.empty? draw_actor_level(actor, x, y + WLH * 1) draw_actor_state(actor, x + 125, y + y_offset) draw_actor_hp(actor, x, ( + (WLH * 2) - 5)) draw_actor_mp(actor, x + 125, ( + (WLH * 2) - 5)) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * OVERWRITTEN #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_cursor if @index < 0 #refactor into update arrow method @arrow_sprites.each { |sprite| sprite.bitmap.clear } return end @intern_frame_count += 1 return unless (@intern_frame_count % 5) == 0 if @sprite_last_draw_x >= 7 @sprite_inc_x = -1 elsif @sprite_last_draw_x <= 0 @sprite_inc_x = 1 end update_arrow_sprites end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * update_arrow_sprites #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_arrow_sprites @arrow_sprites.each { |sprite| sprite.bitmap.clear } if @index == 99 # all selected return unless (@intern_frame_count % 10) == 0 draw_arrow_sprites(@arrow_sprites, false) else draw_arrow_sprites([@arrow_sprites[@index]], FF9_Config::ANIMATE_CURSOR) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * draw_arrow_sprites #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_arrow_sprites(sprites, animated=true) for sprite in sprites image_x = animated ? @sprite_last_draw_x + @sprite_inc_x : 0 @sprite_last_draw_x = image_x sprite.bitmap.blt(image_x, 0, @arrow_image, @arrow_image.rect) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * y= #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def y=(value) super unless @arrow_sprites.nil? for i in 0..3 @arrow_sprites[i].y = (i * 80) + value + 40 end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * x= #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def x=(value) super unless @arrow_sprites.nil? @arrow_sprites.each { |sprite| sprite.x = value } end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * draw_background_windows #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_background_windows self.contents.blt(0, 0, @bg_image, @bg_image.rect) self.contents.blt(0, 80, @bg_image, @bg_image.rect) self.contents.blt(0, 160, @bg_image, @bg_image.rect) self.contents.blt(0, 240, @bg_image, @bg_image.rect) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * draw_background_window (single) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_background_window(x, y) self.contents.blt(x, y, @bg_image, @bg_image.rect) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * visible #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def visible=(value) super @arrow_sprites.each { |sprite| sprite.visible = value } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * dispose #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias :eds_pre_ff9_win_stat_dispose :dispose def dispose eds_pre_ff9_win_stat_dispose @arrow_sprites.each { |sprite| sprite.dispose } end def enable_cursor?(rect=nil) # for compatibility with the improved command window return false end end class Scene_Menu #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * create_menu_background (only if USE_CUSTOM_BACK == true) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if FF9_Config::USE_CUSTOM_BACK def create_menu_background @menuback_sprite = @menuback_sprite.bitmap = Cache.picture(FF9_Config::BACK_NAME) @menuback_sprite.color.set(16, 16, 16, 128) update_menu_background end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * OVERWRITTEN #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_command_window s1 = Vocab::item s2 = Vocab::skill s3 = Vocab::equip s4 = Vocab::status s5 = Vocab::save s6 = Vocab::game_end # just changed the width of the window here @command_window =, [s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6]) @command_window.index = @menu_index @command_window.stretch = false if FF9_Config::USE_TILED_WINDOW if $game_party.members.size == 0 # If number of party members is 0 @command_window.draw_item(0, false) # Disable item @command_window.draw_item(1, false) # Disable skill @command_window.draw_item(2, false) # Disable equipment @command_window.draw_item(3, false) # Disable status end if $game_system.save_disabled # If save is forbidden @command_window.draw_item(4, false) # Disable save end # new stuff here @command_window.font_name = FF9_Config::DEFAULT_FONT @command_window.x = 528 - @command_window.width @command_window.y = 16 @command_window.back_opacity = 255 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * This method is intended to fix some compatibility problems # that scripts run into when they change the command window # in some way. So, we let them override "create_command_window" # and we simply don't call it from the "start" method. # Instead, we call this method which does some extra checking. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def eds_create_command_window create_command_window old_commands = @command_window.commands return if old_commands == [ Vocab::item, Vocab::skill, Vocab::equip, Vocab::status, Vocab::save, Vocab::game_end ] # so we know that the default command window is not being used # we don't want to create another window, so we manually resize it # before the player can see. long = '' # dynamically size the width based on the longest command old_commands.each { |command| long = command if command.length > long.length } # set the index to -1 so that the rectangle disappears. # if we don't do this, you can see the selection rectangle resize. @command_window.index = -1 @command_window.width = @command_window.contents.text_size(long).width + 42 @command_window.contents = @command_window.width - 32, @command_window.height - 32 ) @command_window.font_name = FF9_Config::DEFAULT_FONT @command_window.x = 528 - @command_window.width @command_window.y = 16 @command_window.back_opacity = 255 @command_window.refresh @command_window.index = @menu_index end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * OVERWRITTEN #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def start super create_menu_background #call this method for compatibility eds_create_command_window @gold_window =, 342) @gold_window.y -= @gold_window.height @gold_window.x = 528 - @gold_window.width @status_window =, 12) @location_window =, 0) @location_window.x = 528 - @location_window.width @location_window.y = 398 - @location_window.height end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Termination Processing #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias :eds_pre_ff9_menu_scene_menu_terminate :terminate def terminate eds_pre_ff9_menu_scene_menu_terminate @location_window.dispose end end class Scene_Item < Scene_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * start #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias :eds_pre_ff9_menu_scene_item_start :start def start eds_pre_ff9_menu_scene_item_start @target_window.y = 58 @uses_window =, @help_window.height, nil) @uses_window.visible = false end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * OVERWRITTEN # - right-align flag ignored #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias :eds_pre_ff9_menu_win_stat_show_target_window :show_target_window def show_target_window(right) @uses_window.item = @item_window.item @uses_window.visible = true @item_window.visible = false = false @target_window.visible = true = true @viewport.rect.set(0, 0, 544, 416) @viewport.ox = 0 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * hide_target_window #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias :eds_pre_ff9_menu_scene_item_hide_target_window :hide_target_window def hide_target_window eds_pre_ff9_menu_scene_item_hide_target_window @uses_window.visible = false unless @uses_window.nil? @item_window.visible = true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * determine_target #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias :eds_pre_ff9_menu_scene_item_determine_target :determine_target def determine_target eds_pre_ff9_menu_scene_item_determine_target @uses_window.item = @item_window.item end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Termination Processing #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias :eds_pre_ff9_menu_scene_item_terminate :terminate def terminate eds_pre_ff9_menu_scene_item_terminate @uses_window.dispose end end class Scene_Skill < Scene_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * start #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias :eds_pre_ff9_menu_scene_skill_start :start def start eds_pre_ff9_menu_scene_skill_start @target_window.y = 58 @uses_window =, @help_window.height, nil, nil) @uses_window.visible = false end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * OVERWRITTEN # - right-align flag ignored #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def show_target_window(right) @uses_window.set_skill($game_party.members[@actor_index], @skill_window.skill) @uses_window.visible = true @status_window.visible = false @skill_window.visible = false = false @target_window.visible = true = true @viewport.rect.set(0, 0, 544, 416) @viewport.ox = 0 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * hide_target_window #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias :eds_pre_ff9_menu_scene_skill_hide_target_window :hide_target_window def hide_target_window eds_pre_ff9_menu_scene_skill_hide_target_window @uses_window.visible = false unless @uses_window.nil? @skill_window.visible = true @status_window.visible = true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * determine_target #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias :eds_pre_ff9_menu_scene_skill_determine_target :determine_target def determine_target eds_pre_ff9_menu_scene_skill_determine_target @uses_window.set_skill($game_party.members[@actor_index], @skill_window.skill) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Termination Processing #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias :eds_pre_ff9_menu_scene_item_terminate :terminate def terminate eds_pre_ff9_menu_scene_item_terminate @uses_window.dispose end end