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  1. Nome Script: Text Cache Versione: 1.0 Autore/i: Mithran Link post originale: Link Informazioni: Il VXAce ha portato nuove opzioni di personallizzazione delle scritte e con essi na marea di bug che rovinano la bellezza delle window. Questo script risolve tutti i bug portando le vostre scritte al loro vero splendore... Quindi ogni progetto dovrebbe averlo. Istruzioni: Copiatelo sotto Materials e sopra Main. Script: # Text Cache# by Mithran# posted at Instructions%Q(This script is a workaround for the Bitmap#draw_text issues in RPGMaker VX Ace.By default, there are several errors with Bitmap#draw_text in Ace.1. Text shrinking algorithm is overzealous. Text drawn to a rect given by its own text_size is reduced in size. This is both counterintuitive, and not the way it worked in previous versions (VX). 2. Text drawn to any rect wider than approx 640 pixels wraps around to the beginning of the line, overwriting previous text. This also causes center and right alignments to fail. This is both unnecessary and not how it worked in VX. 3. Text drawn character by character with non true-type fonts has awkward spacing. In addition, the text_size of a string of characters is not the same as the sum of the text_size of each character. This existed even in VX. 4. The first character of a Bitmap#draw_text command for certain letters on certain fonts is not drawn correctly. Since message window draws character by character, this can become a major issue. (example: Verdana 20 pt font) These errors can be demonstrated using my text draw debugger: What this script does:1. Adds 2 pixels to any draw_text width, so text can be intuitively drawn to its own text_size rect. Offsets x coordinate where appropriate. If SIMPLE_FIX is set to true, only this fix will be enabled. 2. Adds a text cache. Instead of drawing text directly when called, a unique bitmap is created for any potential text draw with buffers, drawn with extra space around it. The character is then copied whenever a text draw is attempted. Text Caching can be turned off by setting SIMPLE_FIX to true. Text Caching also has the following features: - Much faster processing than the original Bitmap#draw_text. Trades a small amount of memory to accomodate faster processing speed. The first time any letter is drawn takes approximately 3-4 times as long, subsquently, any time this same letter and font is drawn it is upwards of twice as fast. The longer the string drawn, the bigger the difference. - Accounts for a 3-length string when checking the size. This makes single characters drawn look more natural for the offending fonts. Does not work with: - Reduced size text. If text is squeezed due to not being given enough room to draw, text caching is bypassed in favor of the original method. This is due to the text squeezing algorithm reducing each character by a variable amount that can not be determined with text_size. Manually stretching or aligning this "squeezed" text looks completely awful, so for now, this will have to stay like this. The exception to this is if the text has "just enough" room to draw, it will be given the two extra pixels rather than squeezing it. - If text extends beyond MAX_DRAW_WIDTH, text caching will be forced. This disables the "squeeze" effect. Using the default method means the text would draw over itself anyway, so this is the lesser of two evils. Changelog:v 1.01 Fixed crash error when using F12 to reset. (Thanks Archiea_Nessiah)v 1.0Official release.)# class Bitmap TEXT_TOP_BUFFER = 2 TEXT_SIDE_BUFFER = 8 # buffer in pixels to draw text away from # the edge of the bitmap, to prevent certain characters from being cut off SIMPLE_FIX = false # just adds the two pixels to prevent unnecessary squeeze MAX_TEXT_DRAW_WIDTH = 640 # tests have shown the draw fails at around 640px # if nil, no max width NO_FIX = false # completely disables the fix, for testing comparison alias draw_text_vxa draw_text def draw_text(*args) return draw_text_vxa(*args) if NO_FIX if args[0].is_a?(Rect) rect = args[0] x, y, width, height = rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height text = args[1].to_s.clone || "" align = args[2] || 0 else x, y, width, height = *args[0..3] text = args[4].to_s.clone || "" align = args[5] || 0 end text_rect = self.text_size(text) text_width = text_rect.width text_height = text_rect.height squeeze = text_width > width if SIMPLE_FIX or (squeeze and (MAX_TEXT_DRAW_WIDTH and width <= MAX_TEXT_DRAW_WIDTH)) x -= align # shift one pixels to the left if centering # two if right right justified # to offset the extra width given return draw_text_vxa(x, y, width + 2, height, text, align) else # TextCache.canvas(font) # passing the font slows this down extremly, changed it to later fontkey = self.font.to_a case align when 1; x += (width - text_width) / 2 when 2; x += width - text_width end y += (height - text_height) / 2 # horizontal center buf = -TEXT_SIDE_BUFFER text.each_char { |char| letter = TextCache.letters(fontkey, char) draw_text_vxa(x + buf, y, letter.rect.width + 2, letter.height, char) if SIMPLE_FIX # swap with original method for debugging and simple fix self.blt(x + buf, y, letter, letter.rect) unless SIMPLE_FIX buf += letter.rect.width - TEXT_SIDE_BUFFER * 2 } end endendmodule TextCache BUFFER_DRAW = 300 # for drawing characters, to make sure there is enough room def self.canvas(font = nil) @canvas =, 32) if @canvas.nil? || @canvas.disposed? #@canvas.font = font if font and font != @canvas.font @canvas end def self.letters(font, char) @cache ||= {} key = font + [char] if include?(key) return @cache[key] elsif char.empty? return empty_bitmap else return new_letter(font, char) end end def self.empty_bitmap # not used, added for completness in case the cache is accessed directly @cache[:empty] =, 32) unless include?(:empty) @cache[:empty] end def self.new_letter(fontary, char) font = create_font(fontary) # get the font canvas.font = font rect = canvas.text_size(char * 3) # get size of character between two other characters (for better kerning) b = / 3) + Bitmap::TEXT_SIDE_BUFFER * 2, rect.height) # create bitmap just big enough for one character b.font = font # get the font b.draw_text_vxa(rect.x - b.text_size(" ").width + Bitmap::TEXT_SIDE_BUFFER, rect.y - Bitmap::TEXT_TOP_BUFFER, BUFFER_DRAW, rect.height + Bitmap::TEXT_TOP_BUFFER * 2, " #{char} ", 0) # draw blank spaces before and after character, fix for cutting off the # first pixel using draw_text key = fontary + [char] @cache[key] = b end def self.create_font(fontary) font =*fontary[0..1]) font.bold = fontary[2] font.italic = fontary[3] font.outline = fontary[4] font.shadow = fontary[5] font.color.set(*fontary[6..9]) font.out_color.set(*fontary[10..13]) font end def self.include?(key) @cache[key] && !@cache[key].disposed? end def self.clear @cache ||= {} @cache.clear GC.start end endclass Font # font's instance variables are not reflective, so this has to be defined explicitly def to_a [name, size, bold, italic, outline, shadow,,,, color.alpha,,,, out_color.alpha] end end Incompatibilità:N/D