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  1. Ally

    CBS VX Battle System

    Nome Script: VX Battle System Versione: 1.0 Autore/i: Juunanagou, Gradient Bars by Amaranth Informazioni: Sistema di combattimento di RMVX su XP suddiviso in più script Screenshots: Istruzioni: Basta copiare i vari script sopra Main e sotto l'ultimo in modo che non facciano confusione. Potete anche sostituire quelli con lo stesso nome a quelli esistenti. Script: Window_PartyCommand: #============================================================================== # ** Window_PartyCommand #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This window is used to select whether to fight or escape on the battle # screen. #============================================================================== class Window_PartyCommand < Window_Selectable #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Object Initialization #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize super(0, 0, 640, 64) self.contents = - 32, height - 32) self.back_opacity = 160 @commands = ["Fight", "Escape"] @item_max = 2 @column_max = 2 draw_item(0, normal_color) draw_item(1, $game_temp.battle_can_escape ? normal_color : disabled_color) = true self.visible = true self.index = 0 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Draw Item # index : item number # color : text character color #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_item(index, color) self.contents.font.color = color rect = + index * 160 + 4, 0, 128 - 10, 32) self.contents.fill_rect(rect,, 0, 0, 0)) self.contents.draw_text(rect, @commands[index], 1) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Cursor Rectangle Update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_cursor_rect self.cursor_rect.set(160 + index * 160, 0, 128, 32) end end Window_BaseBattle (diverso da WindowBase, non sostituire ma aggiungere!): #============================================================================== # ** Window_Base #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This class is for all in-game windows. #============================================================================== class Window_BaseBattle < Window #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Object Initialization # x : window x-coordinate # y : window y-coordinate # width : window width # height : window height #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(x, y, width, height) super() @windowskin_name = $game_system.windowskin_name self.windowskin = RPG::Cache.windowskin(@windowskin_name) self.x = x self.y = y self.width = width self.height = height self.z = 100 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Dispose #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def dispose # Dispose if window contents bit map is set if self.contents != nil self.contents.dispose end super end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Get Text Color # n : text color number (0-7) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def text_color(n) case n when 0 return, 255, 255, 255) when 1 return, 128, 255, 255) when 2 return, 128, 128, 255) when 3 return, 255, 128, 255) when 4 return, 255, 255, 255) when 5 return, 128, 255, 255) when 6 return, 255, 128, 255) when 7 return, 192, 192, 255) else normal_color end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Get Normal Text Color #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def normal_color return, 255, 255, 255) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Get Disabled Text Color #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def disabled_color return, 255, 255, 128) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Testo Nero delle barre #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def bar_color return, 0, 0, 255) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Get System Text Color #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def system_color return, 224, 255, 255) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Get Crisis Text Color #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def crisis_color return, 255, 64, 255) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Get Knockout Text Color #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def knockout_color return, 64, 0) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Frame Update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update super # Reset if windowskin was changed if $game_system.windowskin_name != @windowskin_name @windowskin_name = $game_system.windowskin_name self.windowskin = RPG::Cache.windowskin(@windowskin_name) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Draw Graphic # actor : actor # x : draw spot x-coordinate # y : draw spot y-coordinate #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_actor_graphic(actor, x, y) bitmap = RPG::Cache.character(actor.character_name, actor.character_hue) cw = bitmap.width / 4 ch = bitmap.height / 4 src_rect =, 0, cw, ch) self.contents.blt(x - cw / 2, y - ch, bitmap, src_rect) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Draw Name # actor : actor # x : draw spot x-coordinate # y : draw spot y-coordinate #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_actor_bt_name(actor, x, y) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 120, 32, end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Make State Text String for Drawing # actor : actor # width : draw spot width # need_normal : Whether or not [normal] is needed (true / false) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_battler_state_text(battler, width, need_normal) # Get width of brackets brackets_width = self.contents.text_size("[]").width # Make text string for state names text = "" for i in battler.states if $data_states[i].rating >= 1 if text == "" text = $data_states[i].name else new_text = text + "/" + $data_states[i].name text_width = self.contents.text_size(new_text).width if text_width > width - brackets_width break end text = new_text end end end # If text string for state names is empty, make it [normal] if text == "" if need_normal text = "[Normal]" end else # Attach brackets text = "[" + text + "]" end # Return completed text string return text end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Draw State # actor : actor # x : draw spot x-coordinate # y : draw spot y-coordinate # width : draw spot width #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_actor_bt_state(actor, x, y, width = 120) text = make_battler_state_text(actor, width, true) self.contents.font.color = actor.hp == 0 ? knockout_color : normal_color self.contents.draw_text(x, y + 16, width, 32, text) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Draw HP # actor : actor # x : draw spot x-coordinate # y : draw spot y-coordinate # width : draw spot width #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_actor_bt_hp(actor, x, y, width = 144) # Draw "HP" text string self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(x + 96, y, 32, 32, $data_system.words.hp) # Calculate if there is draw space for MaxHP if width - 32 >= 108 x = x + width - 108 flag = true elsif width - 32 >= 48 x = x + width - 48 flag = false end # Draw HP self.contents.font.color = actor.hp == 0 ? knockout_color : actor.hp <= actor.maxhp / 4 ? crisis_color : bar_color self.contents.draw_text(x + 128, y, 48, 32, actor.hp.to_s, 2) # Draw MaxHP if flag self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(x + 48, y, 12, 32, "/", 1) self.contents.draw_text(x + 60, y, 48, 32, actor.maxhp.to_s) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Draw SP # actor : actor # x : draw spot x-coordinate # y : draw spot y-coordinate # width : draw spot width #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_actor_bt_sp(actor, x, y, width = 144) # Draw "SP" text string self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(x + 288, y, 32, 32, $data_system.words.sp) # Calculate if there is draw space for MaxHP if width - 32 >= 108 x = x + width - 108 flag = true elsif width - 32 >= 48 x = x + width - 48 flag = false end # Draw SP self.contents.font.color = actor.sp == 0 ? knockout_color : actor.sp <= actor.maxsp / 4 ? crisis_color : bar_color self.contents.draw_text(x + 320, y, 48, 32, actor.sp.to_s, 2) # Draw MaxSP if flag self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(x + 48, y, 12, 32, "/", 1) self.contents.draw_text(x + 60, y, 48, 32, actor.maxsp.to_s) end end # Gradient Bars Amaranth #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● Draw a gradient bar # actor : actor assigned to the bar # x : X coordinate of the upper-left pixel of the bar # y : Y coordinate of the upper-left pixel of the bar # bar_width : width of the bar # bar_height : height of the bar # current : current value to compare (eg. hp, sp, exp) # max : max value to compare (eg. max hp, max sp, max exp) # color : base color to use (eg. text_color(5)) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_bar(actor, x, y, bar_width, bar_height, current, max, color) adj_width = bar_width - 4 adj_height = bar_height - 4 self.contents.font.size = 16 # outline of bar border_color =, 255, 255, 255) self.contents.fill_rect(x + 3, y + 8, bar_width, bar_height, border_color) # background of bar background_color =, 0, 0, 255) self.contents.fill_rect(x + 5, y + 10, adj_width, adj_height, background_color) # current bar if max != 0 percent = (current * 100) / max adj_width = (adj_width * percent) / 100 for i in 1..adj_width += 1 += 1 += 1 self.contents.fill_rect(x + 5, y + 10, adj_width, adj_height, color) x += 1 adj_width -= 1 end end end end Window_BattleStatus: #============================================================================== # ** Window_BattleStatus #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This window displays the status of all party members on the battle screen. #============================================================================== class Window_BattleStatus < Window_BaseBattle #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Finestra dei personaggi #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize # Riduco la larghezza della finestra a 480 per far entrare i comandi super(0, 320, 480, 180) self.contents = - 32, height - 32) @level_up_flags = [false, false, false, false] refresh end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Dispose #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def dispose super end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Set Level Up Flag # actor_index : actor index #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def level_up(actor_index) @level_up_flags[actor_index] = true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Refresh #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh self.contents.clear @item_max = $game_party.actors.size for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size @leader = "" x = 40 y = i * 32 actor = $game_party.actors[i] # actor_x = i * 160 + 4 actor_x = 0 # voglio che vada in verticale e non in orizzontale actor_y = i * 32 self.contents.font.size = 22 draw_actor_bt_name(actor, actor_x, actor_y) # Refresh della barra hp draw_bar(actor, x + 90, y, 100, 16, actor.hp, actor.maxhp, text_color(2)) draw_actor_bt_hp(actor, actor_x, actor_y, 32) # Refresh della barra sp draw_bar(actor, x + 280, y, 100, 16, actor.sp, actor.maxsp, text_color(4)) draw_actor_bt_sp(actor, actor_x, actor_y, 64) if @level_up_flags[i] self.contents.font.size = 14 self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(actor_x, actor_y, 120, 32, "LEVEL UP!") else self.contents.font.size = 14 draw_actor_bt_state(actor, actor_x, actor_y) end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Frame Update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update super # Slightly lower opacity level during main phase if $game_temp.battle_main_phase self.contents_opacity -= 4 if self.contents_opacity > 191 else self.contents_opacity += 4 if self.contents_opacity < 255 end end end Scene_Battle1: #============================================================================== # ** Scene_Battle (part 1) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This class performs battle screen processing. #============================================================================== class Scene_Battle #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Main Processing #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def main # Initialize each kind of temporary battle data $game_temp.in_battle = true $game_temp.battle_turn = 0 $game_temp.battle_event_flags.clear $game_temp.battle_abort = false $game_temp.battle_main_phase = false $game_temp.battleback_name = $game_map.battleback_name $game_temp.forcing_battler = nil # Initialize battle event interpreter $game_system.battle_interpreter.setup(nil, 0) # Prepare troop @troop_id = $game_temp.battle_troop_id $game_troop.setup(@troop_id) # Creo la command window coi 4 comandi: Attacca, Skills, Difendi, Oggetti s1 = $data_system.words.attack s2 = $data_system.words.skill s3 = $data_system.words.guard s4 = $data_system.words.item @actor_command_window =, [s1, s2, s3, s4]) # Sposto la command window di lato @actor_command_window.x = 480 @actor_command_window.y = 320 @actor_command_window.back_opacity = 160 = false @actor_command_window.visible = true # Crea le altre finestre @party_command_window = @help_window = @help_window.back_opacity = 160 @help_window.visible = false @status_window = @message_window = # Make sprite set @spriteset = # Initialize wait count @wait_count = 0 # Execute transition if $data_system.battle_transition == "" Graphics.transition(20) else Graphics.transition(40, "Graphics/Transitions/" + $data_system.battle_transition) end # Start pre-battle phase start_phase1 # Main loop loop do # Update game screen Graphics.update # Update input information Input.update # Frame update update # Abort loop if screen is changed if $scene != self break end end # Refresh map $game_map.refresh # Prepare for transition Graphics.freeze # Dispone le finestre attori e poi i comandi di attacco @actor_command_window.dispose @party_command_window.dispose @help_window.dispose @status_window.dispose @message_window.dispose if @skill_window != nil @skill_window.dispose end if @item_window != nil @item_window.dispose end if @result_window != nil @result_window.dispose end # Dispose of sprite set @spriteset.dispose # If switching to title screen if $scene.is_a?(Scene_Title) # Fade out screen Graphics.transition Graphics.freeze end # If switching from battle test to any screen other than game over screen if $BTEST and not $scene.is_a?(Scene_Gameover) $scene = nil end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Determine Battle Win/Loss Results #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def judge # If all dead determinant is true, or number of members in party is 0 if $game_party.all_dead? or $game_party.actors.size == 0 # If possible to lose if $game_temp.battle_can_lose # Return to BGM before battle starts $game_system.bgm_play($game_temp.map_bgm) # Battle ends battle_end(2) # Return true return true end # Set game over flag $game_temp.gameover = true # Return true return true end # Return false if even 1 enemy exists for enemy in $game_troop.enemies if enemy.exist? return false end end # Start after battle phase (win) start_phase5 # Return true return true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Battle Ends # result : results (0:win 1:lose 2:escape) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def battle_end(result) # Clear in battle flag $game_temp.in_battle = false # Clear entire party actions flag $game_party.clear_actions # Remove battle states for actor in $game_party.actors actor.remove_states_battle end # Clear enemies $game_troop.enemies.clear # Call battle callback if $game_temp.battle_proc != nil $ $game_temp.battle_proc = nil end # Switch to map screen $scene = end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Battle Event Setup #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def setup_battle_event # If battle event is running if $game_system.battle_interpreter.running? return end # Search for all battle event pages for index in 0...$data_troops[@troop_id].pages.size # Get event pages page = $data_troops[@troop_id].pages[index] # Make event conditions possible for reference with c c = page.condition # Go to next page if no conditions are appointed unless c.turn_valid or c.enemy_valid or c.actor_valid or c.switch_valid next end # Go to next page if action has been completed if $game_temp.battle_event_flags[index] next end # Confirm turn conditions if c.turn_valid n = $game_temp.battle_turn a = c.turn_a b = c.turn_b if (b == 0 and n != a) or (b > 0 and (n < 1 or n < a or n % b != a % ) next end end # Confirm enemy conditions if c.enemy_valid enemy = $game_troop.enemies[c.enemy_index] if enemy == nil or enemy.hp * 100.0 / enemy.maxhp > c.enemy_hp next end end # Confirm actor conditions if c.actor_valid actor = $game_actors[c.actor_id] if actor == nil or actor.hp * 100.0 / actor.maxhp > c.actor_hp next end end # Confirm switch conditions if c.switch_valid if $game_switches[c.switch_id] == false next end end # Set up event $game_system.battle_interpreter.setup(page.list, 0) # If this page span is [battle] or [turn] if page.span <= 1 # Set action completed flag $game_temp.battle_event_flags[index] = true end return end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Frame Update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update # If battle event is running if $game_system.battle_interpreter.running? # Update interpreter $game_system.battle_interpreter.update # If a battler which is forcing actions doesn't exist if $game_temp.forcing_battler == nil # If battle event has finished running unless $game_system.battle_interpreter.running? # Rerun battle event set up if battle continues unless judge setup_battle_event end end # If not after battle phase if @phase != 5 # Refresh status window @status_window.refresh end end end # Update system (timer) and screen $game_system.update $game_screen.update # If timer has reached 0 if $game_system.timer_working and $game_system.timer == 0 # Abort battle $game_temp.battle_abort = true end # Update windows @help_window.update @party_command_window.update @actor_command_window.update @status_window.update @message_window.update # Update sprite set @spriteset.update # If transition is processing if $game_temp.transition_processing # Clear transition processing flag $game_temp.transition_processing = false # Execute transition if $game_temp.transition_name == "" Graphics.transition(20) else Graphics.transition(40, "Graphics/Transitions/" + $game_temp.transition_name) end end # If message window is showing if $game_temp.message_window_showing return end # If effect is showing if @spriteset.effect? return end # If game over if $game_temp.gameover # Switch to game over screen $scene = return end # If returning to title screen if $game_temp.to_title # Switch to title screen $scene = return end # If battle is aborted if $game_temp.battle_abort # Return to BGM used before battle started $game_system.bgm_play($game_temp.map_bgm) # Battle ends battle_end(1) return end # If waiting if @wait_count > 0 # Decrease wait count @wait_count -= 1 return end # If battler forcing an action doesn't exist, # and battle event is running if $game_temp.forcing_battler == nil and $game_system.battle_interpreter.running? return end # Branch according to phase case @phase when 1 # pre-battle phase update_phase1 when 2 # party command phase update_phase2 when 3 # actor command phase update_phase3 when 4 # main phase update_phase4 when 5 # after battle phase update_phase5 end end end Scene_Battle2: #============================================================================== # ** Scene_Battle (part 2) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This class performs battle screen processing. #============================================================================== class Scene_Battle #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Start Pre-Battle Phase #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def start_phase1 # Shift to phase 1 @phase = 1 # Clear all party member actions $game_party.clear_actions # Set up battle event setup_battle_event end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Frame Update (pre-battle phase) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_phase1 # Determine win/loss situation if judge # If won or lost: end method return end # Start party command phase start_phase2 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Start Party Command Phase #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def start_phase2 # Shift to phase 2 @phase = 2 # Set actor to non-selecting @actor_index = -1 @active_battler = nil # Enable party command window = true @party_command_window.visible = true # Disable actor command window = false @actor_command_window.visible = true # Clear main phase flag $game_temp.battle_main_phase = false # Clear all party member actions $game_party.clear_actions # If impossible to input command unless $game_party.inputable? # Start main phase start_phase4 end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Frame Update (party command phase) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_phase2 # If C button was pressed if Input.trigger?(Input::C) # Branch by party command window cursor position case @party_command_window.index when 0 # fight # Play decision SE $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) # Start actor command phase start_phase3 when 1 # escape # If it's not possible to escape if $game_temp.battle_can_escape == false # Play buzzer SE $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se) return end # Play decision SE $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) # Escape processing update_phase2_escape end return end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Frame Update (party command phase: escape) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_phase2_escape # Calculate enemy agility average enemies_agi = 0 enemies_number = 0 for enemy in $game_troop.enemies if enemy.exist? enemies_agi += enemy.agi enemies_number += 1 end end if enemies_number > 0 enemies_agi /= enemies_number end # Calculate actor agility average actors_agi = 0 actors_number = 0 for actor in $game_party.actors if actor.exist? actors_agi += actor.agi actors_number += 1 end end if actors_number > 0 actors_agi /= actors_number end # Determine if escape is successful success = rand(100) < 50 * actors_agi / enemies_agi # If escape is successful if success # Play escape SE $game_system.se_play($data_system.escape_se) # Return to BGM before battle started $game_system.bgm_play($game_temp.map_bgm) # Battle ends battle_end(1) # If escape is failure else # Clear all party member actions $game_party.clear_actions # Start main phase start_phase4 end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Start After Battle Phase #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def start_phase5 # Shift to phase 5 @phase = 5 # Play battle end ME $game_system.me_play($game_system.battle_end_me) # Return to BGM before battle started $game_system.bgm_play($game_temp.map_bgm) # Initialize EXP, amount of gold, and treasure exp = 0 gold = 0 treasures = [] # Loop for enemy in $game_troop.enemies # If enemy is not hidden unless enemy.hidden # Add EXP and amount of gold obtained exp += enemy.exp gold += # Determine if treasure appears if rand(100) < enemy.treasure_prob if enemy.item_id > 0 treasures.push($data_items[enemy.item_id]) end if enemy.weapon_id > 0 treasures.push($data_weapons[enemy.weapon_id]) end if enemy.armor_id > 0 treasures.push($data_armors[enemy.armor_id]) end end end end # Treasure is limited to a maximum of 6 items treasures = treasures[0..5] # Obtaining EXP for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size actor = $game_party.actors[i] if actor.cant_get_exp? == false last_level = actor.level actor.exp += exp if actor.level > last_level @status_window.level_up(i) end end end # Obtaining gold $game_party.gain_gold(gold) # Obtaining treasure for item in treasures case item when RPG::Item $game_party.gain_item(, 1) when RPG::Weapon $game_party.gain_weapon(, 1) when RPG::Armor $game_party.gain_armor(, 1) end end # Make battle result window @result_window =, gold, treasures) # Set wait count @phase5_wait_count = 100 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Frame Update (after battle phase) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_phase5 # If wait count is larger than 0 if @phase5_wait_count > 0 # Decrease wait count @phase5_wait_count -= 1 # If wait count reaches 0 if @phase5_wait_count == 0 # Show result window @result_window.visible = true # Clear main phase flag $game_temp.battle_main_phase = false # Refresh status window @status_window.refresh end return end # If C button was pressed if Input.trigger?(Input::C) # Battle ends battle_end(0) end end end Scene_Battle 3 #============================================================================== # ** Scene_Battle (part 3) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This class performs battle screen processing. #============================================================================== class Scene_Battle #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Start Actor Command Phase #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def start_phase3 # Shift to phase 3 @phase = 3 # Set actor as unselectable @actor_index = -1 @active_battler = nil # Go to command input for next actor phase3_next_actor end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Go to Command Input for Next Actor #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def phase3_next_actor # Loop begin # Actor blink effect OFF if @active_battler != nil @active_battler.blink = false end # If last actor if @actor_index == $game_party.actors.size-1 # Start main phase start_phase4 return end # Advance actor index @actor_index += 1 @active_battler = $game_party.actors[@actor_index] @active_battler.blink = true # Once more if actor refuses command input end until @active_battler.inputable? # Set up actor command window phase3_setup_command_window end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Go to Command Input of Previous Actor #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def phase3_prior_actor # Loop begin # Actor blink effect OFF if @active_battler != nil @active_battler.blink = false end # If first actor if @actor_index == 0 # Start party command phase start_phase2 return end # Return to actor index @actor_index -= 1 @active_battler = $game_party.actors[@actor_index] @active_battler.blink = true # Once more if actor refuses command input end until @active_battler.inputable? # Set up actor command window phase3_setup_command_window end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Actor Command Window Setup #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def phase3_setup_command_window # Disable party command window = false @party_command_window.visible = false # Enable actor command window = true @actor_command_window.visible = true # Tolgo il posizionamento da qui # @actor_command_window.x = @actor_index * 160 # Set index to 0 @actor_command_window.index = 0 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Frame Update (actor command phase) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_phase3 # If enemy arrow is enabled if @enemy_arrow != nil update_phase3_enemy_select # If actor arrow is enabled elsif @actor_arrow != nil update_phase3_actor_select # If skill window is enabled elsif @skill_window != nil update_phase3_skill_select # If item window is enabled elsif @item_window != nil update_phase3_item_select # If actor command window is enabled elsif update_phase3_basic_command end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Frame Update (actor command phase : basic command) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_phase3_basic_command # If B button was pressed if Input.trigger?(Input:: # Play cancel SE $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se) # Go to command input for previous actor phase3_prior_actor return end # If C button was pressed if Input.trigger?(Input::C) # Branch by actor command window cursor position case @actor_command_window.index when 0 # attack # Play decision SE $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) # Set action @active_battler.current_action.kind = 0 @active_battler.current_action.basic = 0 # Start enemy selection start_enemy_select when 1 # skill # Play decision SE $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) # Set action @active_battler.current_action.kind = 1 # Start skill selection start_skill_select when 2 # guard # Play decision SE $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) # Set action @active_battler.current_action.kind = 0 @active_battler.current_action.basic = 1 # Go to command input for next actor phase3_next_actor when 3 # item # Play decision SE $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) # Set action @active_battler.current_action.kind = 2 # Start item selection start_item_select end return end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Frame Update (actor command phase : skill selection) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_phase3_skill_select # Make skill window visible @skill_window.visible = true # Update skill window @skill_window.update # If B button was pressed if Input.trigger?(Input:: # Play cancel SE $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se) # End skill selection end_skill_select return end # If C button was pressed if Input.trigger?(Input::C) # Get currently selected data on the skill window @skill = @skill_window.skill # If it can't be used if @skill == nil or not @active_battler.skill_can_use?( # Play buzzer SE $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se) return end # Play decision SE $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) # Set action @active_battler.current_action.skill_id = # Make skill window invisible @skill_window.visible = false # If effect scope is single enemy if @skill.scope == 1 # Start enemy selection start_enemy_select # If effect scope is single ally elsif @skill.scope == 3 or @skill.scope == 5 # Start actor selection start_actor_select # If effect scope is not single else # End skill selection end_skill_select # Go to command input for next actor phase3_next_actor end return end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Frame Update (actor command phase : item selection) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_phase3_item_select # Make item window visible @item_window.visible = true # Update item window @item_window.update # If B button was pressed if Input.trigger?(Input:: # Play cancel SE $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se) # End item selection end_item_select return end # If C button was pressed if Input.trigger?(Input::C) # Get currently selected data on the item window @item = @item_window.item # If it can't be used unless $game_party.item_can_use?( # Play buzzer SE $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se) return end # Play decision SE $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) # Set action @active_battler.current_action.item_id = # Make item window invisible @item_window.visible = false # If effect scope is single enemy if @item.scope == 1 # Start enemy selection start_enemy_select # If effect scope is single ally elsif @item.scope == 3 or @item.scope == 5 # Start actor selection start_actor_select # If effect scope is not single else # End item selection end_item_select # Go to command input for next actor phase3_next_actor end return end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Frame Updat (actor command phase : enemy selection) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_phase3_enemy_select # Update enemy arrow @enemy_arrow.update # If B button was pressed if Input.trigger?(Input:: # Play cancel SE $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se) # End enemy selection end_enemy_select return end # If C button was pressed if Input.trigger?(Input::C) # Play decision SE $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) # Set action @active_battler.current_action.target_index = @enemy_arrow.index # End enemy selection end_enemy_select # If skill window is showing if @skill_window != nil # End skill selection end_skill_select end # If item window is showing if @item_window != nil # End item selection end_item_select end # Go to command input for next actor phase3_next_actor end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Frame Update (actor command phase : actor selection) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_phase3_actor_select # Update actor arrow @actor_arrow.update # If B button was pressed if Input.trigger?(Input:: # Play cancel SE $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se) # End actor selection end_actor_select return end # If C button was pressed if Input.trigger?(Input::C) # Play decision SE $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) # Set action @active_battler.current_action.target_index = @actor_arrow.index # End actor selection end_actor_select # If skill window is showing if @skill_window != nil # End skill selection end_skill_select end # If item window is showing if @item_window != nil # End item selection end_item_select end # Go to command input for next actor phase3_next_actor end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Start Enemy Selection #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def start_enemy_select # Make enemy arrow @enemy_arrow = # Associate help window @enemy_arrow.help_window = @help_window # Disable actor command window = false @actor_command_window.visible = true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * End Enemy Selection #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def end_enemy_select # Dispose of enemy arrow @enemy_arrow.dispose @enemy_arrow = nil # If command is [fight] if @actor_command_window.index == 0 # Enable actor command window = true @actor_command_window.visible = true # Hide help window @help_window.visible = false end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Start Actor Selection #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def start_actor_select # Make actor arrow @actor_arrow = @actor_arrow.index = @actor_index # Associate help window @actor_arrow.help_window = @help_window # Disable actor command window = false @actor_command_window.visible = true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * End Actor Selection #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def end_actor_select # Dispose of actor arrow @actor_arrow.dispose @actor_arrow = nil end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Start Skill Selection #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def start_skill_select # Make skill window @skill_window = # Associate help window @skill_window.help_window = @help_window # Disable actor command window = false @actor_command_window.visible = true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * End Skill Selection #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def end_skill_select # Dispose of skill window @skill_window.dispose @skill_window = nil # Hide help window @help_window.visible = false # Enable actor command window = true @actor_command_window.visible = true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Start Item Selection #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def start_item_select # Make item window @item_window = # Associate help window @item_window.help_window = @help_window # Disable actor command window = false @actor_command_window.visible = true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * End Item Selection #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def end_item_select # Dispose of item window @item_window.dispose @item_window = nil # Hide help window @help_window.visible = false # Enable actor command window = true @actor_command_window.visible = true end end Scene_Battle 4: #============================================================================== # ** Scene_Battle (part 4) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This class performs battle screen processing. #============================================================================== class Scene_Battle #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Start Main Phase #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def start_phase4 # Shift to phase 4 @phase = 4 # Turn count $game_temp.battle_turn += 1 # Search all battle event pages for index in 0...$data_troops[@troop_id].pages.size # Get event page page = $data_troops[@troop_id].pages[index] # If this page span is [turn] if page.span == 1 # Clear action completed flags $game_temp.battle_event_flags[index] = false end end # Set actor as unselectable @actor_index = -1 @active_battler = nil # Enable party command window = false @party_command_window.visible = false # Disable actor command window = false @actor_command_window.visible = true # Set main phase flag $game_temp.battle_main_phase = true # Make enemy action for enemy in $game_troop.enemies enemy.make_action end # Make action orders make_action_orders # Shift to step 1 @phase4_step = 1 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Make Action Orders #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_action_orders # Initialize @action_battlers array @action_battlers = [] # Add enemy to @action_battlers array for enemy in $game_troop.enemies @action_battlers.push(enemy) end # Add actor to @action_battlers array for actor in $game_party.actors @action_battlers.push(actor) end # Decide action speed for all for battler in @action_battlers battler.make_action_speed end # Line up action speed in order from greatest to least @action_battlers.sort! {|a,b| b.current_action.speed - a.current_action.speed } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Frame Update (main phase) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_phase4 case @phase4_step when 1 update_phase4_step1 when 2 update_phase4_step2 when 3 update_phase4_step3 when 4 update_phase4_step4 when 5 update_phase4_step5 when 6 update_phase4_step6 end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Frame Update (main phase step 1 : action preparation) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_phase4_step1 # Hide help window @help_window.visible = false # Determine win/loss if judge # If won, or if lost : end method return end # If an action forcing battler doesn't exist if $game_temp.forcing_battler == nil # Set up battle event setup_battle_event # If battle event is running if $game_system.battle_interpreter.running? return end end # If an action forcing battler exists if $game_temp.forcing_battler != nil # Add to head, or move @action_battlers.delete($game_temp.forcing_battler) @action_battlers.unshift($game_temp.forcing_battler) end # If no actionless battlers exist (all have performed an action) if @action_battlers.size == 0 # Start party command phase start_phase2 return end # Initialize animation ID and common event ID @animation1_id = 0 @animation2_id = 0 @common_event_id = 0 # Shift from head of actionless battlers @active_battler = @action_battlers.shift # If already removed from battle if @active_battler.index == nil return end # Slip damage if @active_battler.hp > 0 and @active_battler.slip_damage? @active_battler.slip_damage_effect @active_battler.damage_pop = true end # Natural removal of states @active_battler.remove_states_auto # Refresh status window @status_window.refresh # Shift to step 2 @phase4_step = 2 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Frame Update (main phase step 2 : start action) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_phase4_step2 # If not a forcing action unless @active_battler.current_action.forcing # If restriction is [normal attack enemy] or [normal attack ally] if @active_battler.restriction == 2 or @active_battler.restriction == 3 # Set attack as an action @active_battler.current_action.kind = 0 @active_battler.current_action.basic = 0 end # If restriction is [cannot perform action] if @active_battler.restriction == 4 # Clear battler being forced into action $game_temp.forcing_battler = nil # Shift to step 1 @phase4_step = 1 return end end # Clear target battlers @target_battlers = [] # Branch according to each action case @active_battler.current_action.kind when 0 # basic make_basic_action_result when 1 # skill make_skill_action_result when 2 # item make_item_action_result end # Shift to step 3 if @phase4_step == 2 @phase4_step = 3 end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Make Basic Action Results #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_basic_action_result # If attack if @active_battler.current_action.basic == 0 # Set anaimation ID @animation1_id = @active_battler.animation1_id @animation2_id = @active_battler.animation2_id # If action battler is enemy if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy) if @active_battler.restriction == 3 target = $game_troop.random_target_enemy elsif @active_battler.restriction == 2 target = $game_party.random_target_actor else index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index target = $game_party.smooth_target_actor(index) end end # If action battler is actor if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Actor) if @active_battler.restriction == 3 target = $game_party.random_target_actor elsif @active_battler.restriction == 2 target = $game_troop.random_target_enemy else index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index target = $game_troop.smooth_target_enemy(index) end end # Set array of targeted battlers @target_battlers = [target] # Apply normal attack results for target in @target_battlers target.attack_effect(@active_battler) end return end # If guard if @active_battler.current_action.basic == 1 # Display "Guard" in help window @help_window.set_text($data_system.words.guard, 1) return end # If escape if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy) and @active_battler.current_action.basic == 2 # Display "Escape" in help window @help_window.set_text("Escape", 1) # Escape @active_battler.escape return end # If doing nothing if @active_battler.current_action.basic == 3 # Clear battler being forced into action $game_temp.forcing_battler = nil # Shift to step 1 @phase4_step = 1 return end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Set Targeted Battler for Skill or Item # scope : effect scope for skill or item #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_target_battlers(scope) # If battler performing action is enemy if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy) # Branch by effect scope case scope when 1 # single enemy index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index @target_battlers.push($game_party.smooth_target_actor(index)) when 2 # all enemies for actor in $game_party.actors if actor.exist? @target_battlers.push(actor) end end when 3 # single ally index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index @target_battlers.push($game_troop.smooth_target_enemy(index)) when 4 # all allies for enemy in $game_troop.enemies if enemy.exist? @target_battlers.push(enemy) end end when 5 # single ally (HP 0) index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index enemy = $game_troop.enemies[index] if enemy != nil and enemy.hp0? @target_battlers.push(enemy) end when 6 # all allies (HP 0) for enemy in $game_troop.enemies if enemy != nil and enemy.hp0? @target_battlers.push(enemy) end end when 7 # user @target_battlers.push(@active_battler) end end # If battler performing action is actor if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Actor) # Branch by effect scope case scope when 1 # single enemy index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index @target_battlers.push($game_troop.smooth_target_enemy(index)) when 2 # all enemies for enemy in $game_troop.enemies if enemy.exist? @target_battlers.push(enemy) end end when 3 # single ally index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index @target_battlers.push($game_party.smooth_target_actor(index)) when 4 # all allies for actor in $game_party.actors if actor.exist? @target_battlers.push(actor) end end when 5 # single ally (HP 0) index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index actor = $game_party.actors[index] if actor != nil and actor.hp0? @target_battlers.push(actor) end when 6 # all allies (HP 0) for actor in $game_party.actors if actor != nil and actor.hp0? @target_battlers.push(actor) end end when 7 # user @target_battlers.push(@active_battler) end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Make Skill Action Results #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_skill_action_result # Get skill @skill = $data_skills[@active_battler.current_action.skill_id] # If not a forcing action unless @active_battler.current_action.forcing # If unable to use due to SP running out unless @active_battler.skill_can_use?( # Clear battler being forced into action $game_temp.forcing_battler = nil # Shift to step 1 @phase4_step = 1 return end end # Use up SP @active_battler.sp -= @skill.sp_cost # Refresh status window @status_window.refresh # Show skill name on help window @help_window.set_text(, 1) # Set animation ID @animation1_id = @skill.animation1_id @animation2_id = @skill.animation2_id # Set command event ID @common_event_id = @skill.common_event_id # Set target battlers set_target_battlers(@skill.scope) # Apply skill effect for target in @target_battlers target.skill_effect(@active_battler, @skill) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Make Item Action Results #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_item_action_result # Get item @item = $data_items[@active_battler.current_action.item_id] # If unable to use due to items running out unless $game_party.item_can_use?( # Shift to step 1 @phase4_step = 1 return end # If consumable if @item.consumable # Decrease used item by 1 $game_party.lose_item(, 1) end # Display item name on help window @help_window.set_text(, 1) # Set animation ID @animation1_id = @item.animation1_id @animation2_id = @item.animation2_id # Set common event ID @common_event_id = @item.common_event_id # Decide on target index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index target = $game_party.smooth_target_actor(index) # Set targeted battlers set_target_battlers(@item.scope) # Apply item effect for target in @target_battlers target.item_effect(@item) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Frame Update (main phase step 3 : animation for action performer) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_phase4_step3 # Animation for action performer (if ID is 0, then white flash) if @animation1_id == 0 @active_battler.white_flash = true else @active_battler.animation_id = @animation1_id @active_battler.animation_hit = true end # Shift to step 4 @phase4_step = 4 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Frame Update (main phase step 4 : animation for target) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_phase4_step4 # Animation for target for target in @target_battlers target.animation_id = @animation2_id target.animation_hit = (target.damage != "Miss") end # Animation has at least 8 frames, regardless of its length @wait_count = 8 # Shift to step 5 @phase4_step = 5 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Frame Update (main phase step 5 : damage display) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_phase4_step5 # Hide help window @help_window.visible = false # Refresh status window @status_window.refresh # Display damage for target in @target_battlers if target.damage != nil target.damage_pop = true end end # Shift to step 6 @phase4_step = 6 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Frame Update (main phase step 6 : refresh) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_phase4_step6 # Clear battler being forced into action $game_temp.forcing_battler = nil # If common event ID is valid if @common_event_id > 0 # Set up event common_event = $data_common_events[@common_event_id] $game_system.battle_interpreter.setup(common_event.list, 0) end # Shift to step 1 @phase4_step = 1 end end F.A.Q:Q: Vedo i battlers e uno finisce in fondo ai comandi! A: Dovete andare nel database e levare i battlers dei vostri personaggi. Q: Come diamine si combatte? A: Prima si da la conferma per attaccare il nemico o per scappare e poi diventano attive le finestre di comando. Quando finite di dare i comandi la finestra si "disattiva" ovvero non è possibile spostarsi tra un comando e l'altro ma diventa inusabile fino al turno successivo. Demo: Incompatibilità: Nessuna conosciuta Note dell'autore: Lo script è ad installazione automatica, o lo mettete in un unico script sopra il main e copiate tutto il codice uno sotto l'altro, oppure fate diversi script. In alternativa, aprite la demo e copiate i vari script selezionandoli - copiandoli - incollandoli sul vostro progetto. Purtroppo non sono in grado di fare codici più snelli ma so solo modificare quelli di partenza e le barre non sono mie, chissà che in futuro non mi decida a fare una versione più figa. Le cose che sono state modificate/aggiunte in genere hanno dei commenti in italiano, forse non tutto, ma la cosa funziona come si deve. Se avete domande chiedete pure. Abbiate pazienza è il mio primo script XD.