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  1. Nome Script: Camminata 8 Direzioni Versione: N/D Autore/i: Raizen884 Informazioni: Script che simula le 8 direzioni di camminata. Istruzioni: Inserite lo script sotto Material. Script: #=======================================================# Engine 8 direções.# Autor: Raizen884# Mude completamente o seu jogo de 4 direções, para# 8 direções. O script vai adicionar movimentos em 8# direções para o personagem e para todos os eventos# no jogo.#=======================================================class Game_Player < Game_Character def move_by_input return if !movable? || $game_map.interpreter.running? move_diagonal(4, 2) if Input.dir8 == 1 move_straight(2) if Input.dir8 == 2 move_diagonal(6, 2) if Input.dir8 == 3 move_straight(4) if Input.dir8 == 4 move_diagonal(6, 8) if Input.dir8 == 9 move_straight(6) if Input.dir8 == 6 move_diagonal(4, 8) if Input.dir8 == 7 move_straight(8) if Input.dir8 == 8 end def move_diagonal(horz, vert) @followers.move if diagonal_passable?(@x, @y, horz, vert) check_event_trigger_touch(@x+1, @y+1) if horz == 6 and vert == 2 check_event_trigger_touch(@x+1, @y-1) if horz == 6 and vert == 8 check_event_trigger_touch(@x-1, @y-1) if horz == 4 and vert == 8 check_event_trigger_touch(@x-1, @y+1) if horz == 4 and vert == 2 super endendclass Game_Character < Game_CharacterBase def move_toward_character(character) sx = distance_x_from(character.x) sy = distance_y_from(character.y) if sx.abs > sy.abs and sy == 0 move_straight(sx > 0 ? 4 : 6) move_straight(sy > 0 ? 8 : 2) if !@move_succeed && sy != 0 elsif sx.abs > sy.abs and sy > 0 if sx > 0 move_diagonal(4, 8) else move_diagonal(6, 8) end elsif sx.abs > sy.abs and sy < 0 if sx > 0 move_diagonal(4, 2) else move_diagonal(6, 2) end end if sx.abs <= sy.abs and sx == 0 move_straight(sy > 0 ? 8 : 2) move_straight(sx > 0 ? 4 : 6) if !@move_succeed && sx != 0 elsif sx.abs <= sy.abs and sx > 0 if sy > 0 move_diagonal(4, 8) else move_diagonal(4, 2) end elsif sx.abs <= sy.abs and sx < 0 if sy > 0 move_diagonal(6, 8) else move_diagonal(6, 2) end endend def move_random case rand(2) when 0 move_straight(2 + rand(4) * 2, false) when 1 move_diagonal(2 + rand(4) * 2, 2 + rand(4) * 2) end end def move_away_from_character(character) sx = distance_x_from(character.x) sy = distance_y_from(character.y) if sx.abs > sy.abs and sy == 0 move_straight(sx > 0 ? 6 : 4) move_straight(sy > 0 ? 2 : 8) if !@move_succeed && sy != 0 elsif sx.abs > sy.abs and sy < 0 if sx < 0 move_diagonal(4, 8) else move_diagonal(6, 8) end elsif sx.abs > sy.abs and sy > 0 if sx > 0 move_diagonal(6, 2) else move_diagonal(4, 2) end end if sx.abs <= sy.abs and sx == 0 move_straight(sy > 0 ? 2 : 8) move_straight(sx > 0 ? 6 : 4) if !@move_succeed && sx != 0 elsif sx.abs <= sy.abs and sx < 0 if sy > 0 move_diagonal(4, 2) else move_diagonal(4, 8) end elsif sx.abs <= sy.abs and sx > 0 if sy < 0 move_diagonal(6, 8) else move_diagonal(6, 2) end endendend