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    • Da kaine
      Questo plugin è una sorta di fusione tra il CortiMonsterHud ed il Condition Icons(trovate i link ai rispettivi topic a fondo pagina).
      Ma allo stesso tempo è qualcosa di nuovo dato che aggiunge nuove feature.
      Ad esempio è possibile visualizzare quanti turni mancano prima che un determinato status benevolo/malevolo finisca il suo effetto.
      Un altra feature interessante, è quella di poter visualizzare a vostra discrezione, alcuni elementi e poter decidere per quanto tempo mostrarli dopo un cambiamento rilevante.
      All'interno dell'archivio trovate il file readme.html in cui è spiegato dettagliatamente il funzionamento del plugin e come configurarlo.
      Esempio di funzionamento:

      Autore: Aubrey The Bard
      Link Download:
      Topic CortiMonsterHud:
      Topic Condition Icons:
    • Da Ally
      Nome Script: Melosx HUD
      Versione: 1.0
      Autore/i: Melosx
      HUD ad immagini che mostra face, barre PV/MP/ESP ed equip indossato. Ottimo per i vostri ABS...
      Nello script della demo.
      Script 2.0
    • Da Ally
      Nome Script: KMS Minimap
      Versione: N/D
      Autore/i: tomy, traduzione EN by Mr. Bubble

      Con lo script è possibile visualizzare l'HUD della mini mappa in cima allo schermo di gioco =)


      Inserite lo script sotto Material.
      Istruzioni all'interno dello script.


      #_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ #_/ ◆ Minimap - KMS_MiniMap ◆ VXAce ◆ #_/ ◇ Last update : 2012/01/08 (TOMY@Kamesoft) ◇ #_/ ◇ Website: #_/ ◇ Translated by Mr. Bubble #_/---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #_/ Adds a minimap display. #_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ # This script is plug-and-play, but various customization options are available. # # To complete disable the minimap on a specific map, add [NOMAP] to the # beginning of map name. You can also use the tag <minimap hide> in the notebox. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Map Notetags #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Map notetags are added to "Note" boxes. Right-click a map and select # Map Properties to find the "Note" box for maps. # # <minimap hide> # Completely disables the minimap on a specific map. [NOMAP] can also be # added to the beginning of map names for the same effect. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Event Comment Tags #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Since events do not have noteboxes, comment tags are used instead. Open the # event, create a new event command, go to Tab 1, and click the "Comment..." # event command. A box will open up allowing you to enter tags. # # <minimap wall> # Add this tag to an event's comment to change its minimap color to the # same as an impassable tile. # # <minimap move> # Add this tag to an event's comment to have them blink in the minimap. # # <minimap obj n> # Add this tag to an event's comment to have them blink in the minimap with # a specified color where n is the OBJ value defined in OBJECT_COLOR which # is found in the customization module below. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Usage Notes #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Impassable events will not appear as the correct color in the minimap. # This effect is intended. If you want an event to appear as impassable # on the minimap, add the tag <minimap wall> to an event's comment. #_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ #============================================================================== # ★ BEGIN Setting ★ #============================================================================== module KMS_MiniMap # * Minimap Display Toggle Button # Set to nil to disable this function SWITCH_BUTTON = :Z # * Minimap Size and Position (x, y, width, height) MAP_RECT =, 20, 160, 120) # * Minimap z-layer Priority # Glitchy if this value is set too high MAP_Z = 0 # * Minimap Grid Size # A size of 3 or higher is recommended GRID_SIZE = 5 # * Mini-Map Color Settings FOREGROUND_COLOR =, 224, 255, 160) # Foreground (passable) BACKGROUND_COLOR = 0, 0, 160, 160) # Background (not passable) POSITION_COLOR =, 0, 0, 192) # Current Position color MOVE_EVENT_COLOR =, 160, 0, 192) # Moving event color VEHICLE_COLOR = 96, 128, 0, 192) # Vehicle color # * Object Color Presets # Create custom color resets for events tagged with the corresponding label OBJECT_COLOR = [ 0, 128, 0, 192), # OBJ 1 0, 160, 160, 192), # OBJ 2, 0, 160, 192), # OBJ 3 ] # <- Do not delete this line # * Minimap Blinking Frequency # Values 5~8 are recommended BLINK_LEVEL = 7 # * Minimap Cache Setting # This script creates a cache for each map. If the number of cached # maps exceed CACHE_NUM, oldest cached maps are deleted. CACHE_NUM = 10 end #============================================================================== # ☆ END Setting ☆ #============================================================================== $imported = {} if $imported == nil $imported["KMS_MiniMap"] = true module KMS_MiniMap # ミニマップ非表示 REGEX_NO_MINIMAP_NOTE = /<(?:ミニマップ|MINIMAP)s*(?:非表示|HIDE)>/i REGEX_NO_MINIMAP_NAME = /[NOMAP]/i # 障害物 REGEX_WALL_EVENT = /<(?:ミニマップ|MINIMAP)s*(?:壁|障害物|WALL)>/i # 移動イベント REGEX_MOVE_EVENT = /<(?:ミニマップ|MINIMAP)s*(?:移動|MOVE)>/i # オブジェクト REGEX_OBJECT = /<(?:ミニマップ|MINIMAP)s+OBJ(?:ECT)?s*(d+)>/i end # ***************************************************************************** #============================================================================== # □ KMS_Commands #============================================================================== module KMS_Commands module_function #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ ミニマップを表示 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.show_minimap $game_system.minimap_show = true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ ミニマップを隠す #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.hide_minimap $game_system.minimap_show = false end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ ミニマップ表示状態の取得 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.minimap_showing? return $game_system.minimap_show end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ ミニマップをリフレッシュ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.refresh_minimap return unless $scene.is_a?(Scene_Map) $game_map.refresh if $game_map.need_refresh $scene.refresh_minimap end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ ミニマップのオブジェクトを更新 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.update_minimap_object return unless $scene.is_a?(Scene_Map) $game_map.refresh if $game_map.need_refresh $scene.update_minimap_object end end #============================================================================== # ■ Game_Interpreter #============================================================================== class Game_Interpreter # イベントコマンドから直接コマンドを叩けるようにする include KMS_Commands end #============================================================================== # ■ RPG::Map #============================================================================== class RPG::Map #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ ミニマップのキャッシュ生成 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_minimap_cache @__minimap_show = true note.each_line { |line| if line =~ KMS_MiniMap::REGEX_NO_MINIMAP_NOTE # マップ非表示 @__minimap_show = false end } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ ミニマップ表示 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def minimap_show? create_minimap_cache if @__minimap_show.nil? return @__minimap_show end end #============================================================================== # ■ RPG::MapInfo #============================================================================== class RPG::MapInfo #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● マップ名取得 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def name return @name.gsub(/[.*]/) { "" } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ オリジナルマップ名取得 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def original_name return @name end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ ミニマップのキャッシュ生成 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_minimap_cache @__minimap_show = !(@name =~ KMS_MiniMap::REGEX_NO_MINIMAP_NAME) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ ミニマップ表示 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def minimap_show? create_minimap_cache if @__minimap_show == nil return @__minimap_show end end #============================================================================== # ■ Game_System #============================================================================== class Game_System #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ 公開インスタンス変数 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- attr_accessor :minimap_show #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ オブジェクト初期化 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias initialize_KMS_MiniMap initialize def initialize initialize_KMS_MiniMap @minimap_show = true end end #============================================================================== # ■ Game_Map #============================================================================== class Game_Map #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ 定数 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINIMAP_FADE_NONE = 0 # ミニマップ フェードなし MINIMAP_FADE_IN = 1 # ミニマップ フェードイン MINIMAP_FADE_OUT = 2 # ミニマップ フェードアウト #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ 公開インスタンス変数 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- attr_accessor :minimap_fade #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ ミニマップを表示するか #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def minimap_show? return $data_mapinfos[map_id].minimap_show? && @map.minimap_show? end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ ミニマップをフェードイン #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def fadein_minimap @minimap_fade = MINIMAP_FADE_IN end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ ミニマップをフェードアウト #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def fadeout_minimap @minimap_fade = MINIMAP_FADE_OUT end end #============================================================================== # ■ Game_Event #============================================================================== class Game_Event < Game_Character #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ ミニマップ用のキャッシュを作成 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __create_minimap_cache @__last_page = @page @__minimap_wall_event = false @__minimap_move_event = false @__minimap_object_type = -1 @page.list.each { |cmd| # 注釈以外に到達したら離脱 break unless [108, 408].include?(cmd.code) # 正規表現判定 case cmd.parameters[0] when KMS_MiniMap::REGEX_WALL_EVENT @__minimap_wall_event = true when KMS_MiniMap::REGEX_MOVE_EVENT @__minimap_move_event = true when KMS_MiniMap::REGEX_OBJECT @__minimap_object_type = $1.to_i end } end private :__create_minimap_cache #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ グラフィックがあるか #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def graphic_exist? return (character_name != "" || tile_id > 0) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ 障害物か #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def is_minimap_wall_event? if @__minimap_wall_event.nil? || @__last_page != @page __create_minimap_cache end return @__minimap_wall_event end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ 移動イベントか #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def is_minimap_move_event? if @__minimap_move_event.nil? || @__last_page != @page __create_minimap_cache end return @__minimap_move_event end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ ミニマップオブジェクトか #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def is_minimap_object? if @__minimap_object_type.nil? || @__last_page != @page __create_minimap_cache end return @__minimap_object_type > 0 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ ミニマップオブジェクトタイプ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def minimap_object_type if @__minimap_object_type.nil? || @__last_page != @page __create_minimap_cache end return @__minimap_object_type end end #============================================================================== # □ Game_MiniMap #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ミニマップを扱うクラスです。 #============================================================================== class Game_MiniMap #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ 構造体 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Point =, :y) Size =, :height) PassageCache =, :table, :scan_table) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ クラス変数 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@passage_cache = [] # 通行フラグテーブルキャッシュ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● オブジェクト初期化 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(tilemap) @map_rect = KMS_MiniMap::MAP_RECT @grid_size = [KMS_MiniMap].max @x = 0 @y = 0 @grid_num = (@map_rect.width + @grid_size - 1) / @grid_size, (@map_rect.height + @grid_size - 1) / @grid_size ) @draw_grid_num = + 2, @grid_num.y + 2) @draw_range_begin =, 0) @draw_range_end =, 0) @tilemap = tilemap @last_x = $game_player.x @last_y = $game_player.y @showing = false @hiding = false create_sprites refresh end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ スプライト作成 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_sprites @viewport = @viewport.z = KMS_MiniMap::MAP_Z # ビットマップサイズ計算 @bmp_size = (@grid_num.x + 2) * @grid_size, (@grid_num.y + 2) * @grid_size ) @buf_bitmap =, @bmp_size.height) # マップ用スプライト作成 @map_sprite = @map_sprite.x = -@grid_size @map_sprite.y = -@grid_size @map_sprite.z = 0 @map_sprite.bitmap =, @bmp_size.height) # オブジェクト用スプライト作成 @object_sprite = @object_sprite.x = -@grid_size @object_sprite.y = -@grid_size @object_sprite.z = 1 @object_sprite.bitmap =, @bmp_size.height) # 現在位置スプライト作成 @position_sprite = @position_sprite.x = @map_rect.x + @grid_num.x / 2 * @grid_size @position_sprite.y = @map_rect.y + @grid_num.y / 2 * @grid_size @position_sprite.z = @viewport.z + 2 bitmap =, @grid_size) bitmap.fill_rect(bitmap.rect, KMS_MiniMap::POSITION_COLOR) @position_sprite.bitmap = bitmap end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 解放 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def dispose @buf_bitmap.dispose @map_sprite.bitmap.dispose @map_sprite.dispose @object_sprite.bitmap.dispose @object_sprite.dispose @position_sprite.bitmap.dispose @position_sprite.dispose @viewport.dispose end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ 可視状態取得 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def visible return @map_sprite.visible end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ 可視状態設定 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def visible=(value) @viewport.visible = value @map_sprite.visible = value @object_sprite.visible = value @position_sprite.visible = value end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ 不透明度取得 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def opacity return @map_sprite.opacity end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ 不透明度設定 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def opacity=(value) @map_sprite.opacity = value @object_sprite.opacity = value @position_sprite.opacity = value end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ リフレッシュ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh update_draw_range update_passage_table update_object_list update_position draw_map draw_object Graphics.frame_reset end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ フェードイン #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def fadein @showing = true @hiding = false end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ フェードアウト #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def fadeout @showing = false @hiding = true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ キー入力更新 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_input return if KMS_MiniMap::SWITCH_BUTTON.nil? if Input.trigger?(KMS_MiniMap::SWITCH_BUTTON) if opacity < 255 && !@showing fadein elsif opacity > 0 && !@hiding fadeout end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ 描画範囲更新 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_draw_range range = [] (2).times { |i| range[i] = @draw_grid_num[i] / 2 } @draw_range_begin.x = $game_player.x - range[0] @draw_range_begin.y = $game_player.y - range[1] @draw_range_end.x = $game_player.x + range[0] @draw_range_end.y = $game_player.y + range[1] end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ 通行可否テーブル更新 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_passage_table cache = get_passage_table_cache @passage_table = cache.table @passage_scan_table = cache.scan_table update_around_passage_table end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ 通行可否テーブルのキャッシュを取得 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_passage_table_cache map_id = $game_map.map_id cache = @@passage_cache.find { |c| c.map_id == map_id } # キャッシュミスしたら新規作成 if cache == nil cache = cache.table =$game_map.width, $game_map.height) cache.scan_table = ($game_map.width + @draw_grid_num.x - 1) / @draw_grid_num.x, ($game_map.height + @draw_grid_num.y - 1) / @draw_grid_num.y ) end # 直近のキャッシュは先頭に移動し、古いキャッシュは削除 @@passage_cache.unshift(cache) @@passage_cache.delete_at(KMS_MiniMap::CACHE_NUM) return cache end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ 通行可否テーブルのキャッシュをクリア #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def clear_passage_table_cache return if @passage_scan_table == nil table = @passage_scan_table @passage_scan_table =, table.ysize) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ 通行可否テーブルの探索 # x, y : 探索位置 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def scan_passage(x, y) dx = x / @draw_grid_num.x dy = y / @draw_grid_num.y # 探索済み return if @passage_scan_table[dx, dy] == 1 # マップ範囲外 return unless dx.between?(0, @passage_scan_table.xsize - 1) return unless dy.between?(0, @passage_scan_table.ysize - 1) rx = (dx * @draw_grid_num.<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sourirex.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='X)' />...((dx + 1) * @draw_grid_num.<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sourirex.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='X)' /> ry = (dy * @draw_grid_num.y)...((dy + 1) * @draw_grid_num.y) mw = $game_map.width - 1 mh = $game_map.height - 1 # 探索範囲内の通行テーブルを生成 rx.each { |x| next unless x.between?(0, mw) ry.each { |y| next unless y.between?(0, mh) # 通行方向フラグ作成 # (↓、←、→、↑ の順に 1, 2, 4, 8 が対応) flag = 0 [2, 4, 6, 8].each{ |d| flag |= 1 << (d / 2 - 1) if $game_map.passable?(x, y, d) } @passage_table[x, y] = flag } } @passage_scan_table[dx, dy] = 1 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ 周辺の通行可否テーブル更新 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_around_passage_table gx = @draw_grid_num.x gy = @draw_grid_num.y dx = $game_player.x - gx / 2 dy = $game_player.y - gy / 2 scan_passage(dx, dy) scan_passage(dx + gx, dy) scan_passage(dx, dy + gy) scan_passage(dx + gx, dy + gy) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ オブジェクト一覧更新 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_object_list events = $ # WALL @wall_events = events.find_all { |e| e.is_minimap_wall_event? } # MOVE @move_events = events.find_all { |e| e.is_minimap_move_event? } # OBJ @object_list = events.find_all { |e| e.is_minimap_object? } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ 位置更新 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_position # 移動量算出 pt =$game_player.x, $game_player.y) ox = ($game_player.real_x - pt.<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sourirex.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='X)' /> * @grid_size oy = ($game_player.real_y - pt.y) * @grid_size @viewport.ox = ox @viewport.oy = oy # 移動していたらマップ再描画 if pt.x != @last_x || pt.y != @last_y draw_map @last_x = pt.x @last_y = pt.y end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ 描画範囲内判定 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def in_draw_range?(x, y) rb = @draw_range_begin re = @draw_range_end return (x.between?(rb.x, re.<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sourirex.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='X)' /> && y.between?(rb.y, re.y)) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ マップ範囲内判定 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def in_map_range?(x, y) mw = $game_map.width mh = $game_map.height return (x.between?(0, mw - 1) && y.between?(0, mh - 1)) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ マップ描画 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_map update_around_passage_table bitmap = @map_sprite.bitmap bitmap.fill_rect(bitmap.rect, KMS_MiniMap::BACKGROUND_COLOR) draw_map_foreground(bitmap) draw_map_move_event(bitmap) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ 通行可能領域の描画 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_map_foreground(bitmap) range_x = (@draw_range_begin.<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sourirex.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='X)' />..(@draw_range_end.<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sourirex.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='X)' /> range_y = (@draw_range_begin.y)..(@draw_range_end.y) map_w = $game_map.width - 1 map_h = $game_map.height - 1 rect =, 0, @grid_size, @grid_size) range_x.each { |x| next unless x.between?(0, map_w) range_y.each { |y| next unless y.between?(0, map_h) next if @passage_table[x, y] == 0 next if @wall_events.find { |e| e.x == x && e.y == y } # 壁 # グリッド描画サイズ算出 rect.set(0, 0, @grid_size, @grid_size) rect.x = (x - @draw_range_begin.<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sourirex.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='X)' /> * @grid_size rect.y = (y - @draw_range_begin.y) * @grid_size flag = @passage_table[x, y] if flag & 0x01 == 0 # 下通行不能 rect.height -= 1 end if flag & 0x02 == 0 # 左通行不能 rect.x += 1 rect.width -= 1 end if flag & 0x04 == 0 # 右通行不能 rect.width -= 1 end if flag & 0x08 == 0 # 上通行不能 rect.y += 1 rect.height -= 1 end bitmap.fill_rect(rect, KMS_MiniMap::FOREGROUND_COLOR) } } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ 移動イベントの描画 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_map_move_event(bitmap) rect =, 0, @grid_size, @grid_size) @move_events.each { |e| rect.x = (e.x - @draw_range_begin.<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sourirex.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='X)' /> * @grid_size rect.y = (e.y - @draw_range_begin.y) * @grid_size bitmap.fill_rect(rect, KMS_MiniMap::MOVE_EVENT_COLOR) } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ アニメーション更新 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_animation if @showing # フェードイン self.opacity += 16 if opacity == 255 @showing = false end elsif @hiding # フェードアウト self.opacity -= 16 if opacity == 0 @hiding = false self.visible = false end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ オブジェクト描画 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_object # 下準備 bitmap = @object_sprite.bitmap bitmap.clear rect =, 0, @grid_size, @grid_size) # オブジェクト描画 @object_list.each { |obj| next unless in_draw_range?(obj.x, obj.y) color = KMS_MiniMap::OBJECT_COLOR[obj.minimap_object_type - 1] next if color.nil? rect.x = (obj.real_x - @draw_range_begin.<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sourirex.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='X)' /> * @grid_size rect.y = (obj.real_y - @draw_range_begin.y) * @grid_size bitmap.fill_rect(rect, color) } # 乗り物描画 $game_map.vehicles.each { |vehicle| next if vehicle.transparent rect.x = (vehicle.real_x - @draw_range_begin.<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sourirex.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='X)' /> * @grid_size rect.y = (vehicle.real_y - @draw_range_begin.y) * @grid_size bitmap.fill_rect(rect, KMS_MiniMap::VEHICLE_COLOR) } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ 更新 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update update_input return if !visible || opacity == 0 update_draw_range update_position update_animation draw_object @map_sprite.update @object_sprite.update @position_sprite.update end end #============================================================================== # □ Sprite_MiniMapIcon #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ミニマップ用アイコンのクラスです。 #============================================================================== class Sprite_MiniMapIcon < Sprite DURATION_MAX = 60 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● オブジェクト初期化 # viewport : ビューポート #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(viewport = nil) super(viewport) @duration = DURATION_MAX / 2 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● フレーム更新 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update super @duration += 1 if @duration == DURATION_MAX @duration = 0 end update_effect end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ エフェクトの更新 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_effect self.color.set(255, 255, 255, (@duration - DURATION_MAX / 2).abs * KMS_MiniMap::BLINK_LEVEL ) end end #============================================================================== # ■ Spriteset_Map #============================================================================== class Spriteset_Map attr_reader :minimap #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● オブジェクト初期化 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias initialize_KMS_MiniMap initialize def initialize initialize_KMS_MiniMap create_minimap end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ ミニマップの作成 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_minimap return unless $game_map.minimap_show? @minimap = @minimap.visible = $game_system.minimap_show end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 解放 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias dispose_KMS_MiniMap dispose def dispose dispose_KMS_MiniMap dispose_minimap end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ ミニマップの解放 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def dispose_minimap @minimap.dispose unless @minimap.nil? end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● フレーム更新 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias update_KMS_MiniMap update def update update_KMS_MiniMap update_minimap end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ ミニマップ更新 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_minimap return if @minimap.nil? # 表示切替 @minimap.visible = $game_system.minimap_show # フェード判定 case $game_map.minimap_fade when Game_Map::MINIMAP_FADE_IN @minimap.fadein $game_map.minimap_fade = Game_Map::MINIMAP_FADE_NONE when Game_Map::MINIMAP_FADE_OUT @minimap.fadeout $game_map.minimap_fade = Game_Map::MINIMAP_FADE_NONE end @minimap.update end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ ミニマップ全体をリフレッシュ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh_minimap return if @minimap.nil? @minimap.clear_passage_table_cache @minimap.refresh end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ ミニマップのオブジェクトを更新 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_minimap_object @minimap.update_object_list unless @minimap.nil? end end #============================================================================== # ■ Scene_Map #============================================================================== class Scene_Map #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 場所移動後の処理 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias post_transfer_KMS_MiniMap post_transfer def post_transfer refresh_minimap post_transfer_KMS_MiniMap end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ ミニマップ全体をリフレッシュ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh_minimap @spriteset.refresh_minimap end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ○ ミニマップのオブジェクトを更新 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_minimap_object @spriteset.update_minimap_object end end Note dell'Autore:
      Termini e condizioni d'uso sullo script, nel sito dell'autore:]
    • Da Ally
      Nome Script: HUD su Mappa
      Versione: N/D
      Autore/i: Jet
      HUD che inserisce barre HP, MP etc, e da la possibilità di inserire anche picture extra nel caso voleste aggiungere altro su mappa.
      Inserite lo script sotto Material.
      Nella demo comunque sono presenti (oltre che allo script) istruzioni e immagini necessarie per il corretto funzionamento dell'HUD.

      #=============================================================================== # HUD # By Jet10985 (Jet) #=============================================================================== # This script will allow you to have a fully customizable hud displaying # multiple pictures and actor-related information. # This script has: 7 customization options. #=============================================================================== # Overwritten Methods: # None #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Aliased methods: # Spriteset_Map: initialize, update, dispose #=============================================================================== =begin Note: all pictures used in this HUD must be in the Graphics/Pictures folder. =end module Jet module HUD # These are the bars of the HUD. These takes highest display priority of # the entire hud. It follows this format: # :stat => ["Background", "Bar Image", "Overlay", x, y, switch] # Bars have 3 layers, drawn in this order: background, bar, overlay. # If you don't need one of these layers, leave the configuration as a "", # EX: :hp => ["Bar Back", "Hp Bar", "", 0, 10, 0] # switch is the visibility switch for the bar. 0 for none. BARS = { :hp => ["Bar Back", "HP Bar", "HP Overlay", 0, 10, 0], :mp => ["Bar Back", "MP Bar", "MP Overlay", 0, 40, 0], :tp => ["Bar Back", "TP Bar", "TP Overlay", 0, 70, 0] } # These are extra parts of the HUD which relate to the 1st actor. This # takes middle display priority in the HUD. Follow's this format: # :symbol => [x, y] # :symbol can be any of the following: # :graphic (Character Sprite) # :face (Character Face) # :name (Character name) # :class (Character class) # :nickname (Character nickname) # :level (Character Level) # :icons (Character buffs and states represented by icons) # :hp (Character hp in text along with default gauge) # :mp (Character mp in text along with default gauge) # :tp (Character tp in text along with default gauge) ACTOR_EXTRAS = { :face => [544 - 96, 0] } # This is the font used for the extra's sprite if text is drawn. ACTOR_EXTRAS_FONT = "Verdana" # This is the switch to make the extra's layer invisible ACTOR_EXTRAS_SWITCH = 0 # These are pictures displayed with the HUD. These take the lowest display # priority of the 3 sections. Follow this format: # "Picture Name" => [x, y, switch] # switch is the visiblility switch for this specific picture. PICTURES = { "Bar Back" => [250, 250, 0] } # Turning this switch on will make the entire HUD invisible. FULL_HUD_SWITCH = 1 # Do you want the HUD to follow any map shaking/scrolling/tinting? FOLLOW_MAP = true end end #=============================================================================== # DON'T EDIT FURTHER UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO. #=============================================================================== ($imported ||= {})[:jet] ||= {} $imported[:jet][:HUD] = true class Spriteset_Map alias jet4856_initialize initialize def initialize(*args, &block) create_hud jet4856_initialize(*args, &block) @hudset.viewport = Jet::HUD::FOLLOW_MAP ? @viewport1 : nil end def create_hud @hudset = end alias jet3745_update update def update(*args, &block) jet3745_update(*args, &block) update_hud end def update_hud if [email protected]? @hudset.visible = !$game_switches[Jet] @hudset.update end end alias jet7355_dispose dispose def dispose(*args, &block) dispose_hud jet7355_dispose(*args, &block) end def dispose_hud @hudset.dispose end end class Spriteset_HUD attr_reader :sprites, :actor attr_accessor :viewport def initialize(viewport = nil) @sprites = {} @actor = $game_party.members[0] @actor_extras = !Jet::HUD::ACTOR_EXTRAS.empty? if @actor_extras @actor_struct =*Jet::HUD::ACTOR_EXTRAS.keys).new Jet::HUD::ACTOR_EXTRAS.each_key {|a| @actor_struct.send("#{a}=".to_sym, (@actor.send(a) rescue true)) } end @viewport = viewport create_bars create_actor_extras if @actor_extras create_pictures @visible = 0 self.visible = !$game_switches[Jet] update end def create_bars @sprites[:bars] = {} Jet::HUD::BARS.each {|a, b| @sprites[:bars][a] = [] b[0..2].each {|c| if c == "" @sprites[:bars][a].push( next end bitmap = Cache.picture(c) sprite = b.index(c) == 1 ?, a) : sprite.bitmap = bitmap sprite.x = b[3] sprite.y = b[4] @sprites[:bars][a].push(sprite) sprite.z = 1002 } } end def create_actor_extras f =, 0, 32, 32) x = 0 - f.padding; y = 0 - f.padding width = Graphics.width + f.padding * 2 height = Graphics.height + f.padding * 2 f.dispose @sprites[:extras] =, y, width, height) @sprites[:extras].opacity = 0 @sprites[:extras] = Jet::HUD::ACTOR_EXTRAS_FONT @sprites[:extras].z = 1001 Jet::HUD::ACTOR_EXTRAS.each {|a, b| @sprites[:extras].send("draw_actor_#{a}", @actor, b[0], b[1]) } end def create_pictures @sprites[:pictures] = {} Jet::HUD::PICTURES.each {|a, b| bitmap = Cache.picture(a) sprite = sprite.bitmap = bitmap sprite.x, sprite.y = *b[0...2] @sprites[:pictures][a] = sprite sprite.z = 1000 } end def update if @actor != $game_party.members[0] @actor = $game_party.members[0] dispose_actor_extras create_actor_extras dispose_bars create_bars end if @actor_extras do_refresh = false Jet::HUD::ACTOR_EXTRAS.each_key {|a| if @actor_struct.send(a) != (@actor.send(a) rescue true) do_refresh = true @actor_struct.send("#{a}=".to_sym, (@actor.send(a) rescue true)) end } if do_refresh dispose_actor_extras create_actor_extras end end return if !@visible update_bars update_actor_extras if @actor_extras update_pictures end def update_bars @sprites[:bars].each {|sym, a| a.each {|b| b.visible = !$game_switches[Jet][5]] b.update if b.visible b.viewport = @viewport } } end def update_actor_extras @sprites[:extras].visible = !$game_switches[Jet] @sprites[:extras].viewport = @viewport end def update_pictures @sprites[:pictures].each {|string, a| a.visible = !$game_switches[Jet][2]] a.viewport = @viewport } end def update_visibility @sprites[:pictures].each {|string, a| a.visible = @visible } @sprites[:extras].visible = @visible if @actor_extras @sprites[:bars].each {|sym, a| a.each {|b| b.visible = @visible } } end def dispose dispose_bars dispose_actor_extras if @actor_extras dispose_pictures end def dispose_bars @sprites[:bars].each_value {|a| a.each {|b| b.dispose } } end def dispose_actor_extras @sprites[:extras].dispose end def dispose_pictures @sprites[:pictures].each_value {|a| a.dispose } end def visible=(t) if @visible != t @visible = t update_visibility end end end class Sprite_Bar < Sprite def initialize(actor, type) super(nil) @actor = actor @type = type end def update begin max = @actor.send(("m" + @type.to_s).to_sym) rescue max = @actor.send(("max_" + @type.to_s).to_sym) end cur = @actor.send(@type) self.src_rect.width = (self.bitmap.width * (cur / max.to_f)).round end end Demo:
    • Da Ally
      Nome Script: Barra Testo
      Versione: N/D
      Autore/i: Death10
      Script che permette di visualizzare una barra con un testo nella mappa (funzione utile se si vuole far comparire il nome della mappa).
      Inserite lo script sotto Material.
      Istruzioni all'interno dello script.

      #============================================================================== # ** Text Bar #============================================================================== # Author: Death10 # [url=""][/url] #============================================================================== # *Call script: # -On: $game_system.ads_option = 1 # -Off: $game_system.ads_option = 2 # -Change: # +Text: $game_system.ads_x = "Text" # +Back image: $game_system.ads_back = "Back.png" #============================================================================== DataManager.load_normal_databaseclass Game_System attr_accessor :ads attr_accessor :ads_on attr_accessor :ads_x attr_accessor :ads_option attr_accessor :ads_back alias initialize_ads initialize def initialize initialize_ads @ads = "Text Bar" @ads_back = Cache.title1($data_system.title1_name) @ads_option = 1 @ads_on = 1 @ads_x = 0 end end class TB < Window_Base def initialize super(0, 0, 544, 64) self.opacity = 0 $game_system = refresh end def refresh case $game_system.ads_option when 1 $game_system.ads_on = 1 $game_system.ads_x = -contents.text_size($ $game_system.ads_option = 0 when 2 $game_system.ads_on = 0 $game_system.ads_option = 0 end contents.clear cx = contents.text_size($ if $game_system.ads_x == 544 $game_system.ads_x = -cx else $game_system.ads_x += 0.5 end if $game_system.ads_on == 1 contents.blt(0, 0, $game_system.ads_back,, 0, 544, 32), 160) contents.draw_text($game_system.ads_x, 0, cx, 32, $, 2) end end def open super refresh end end class Scene_Map alias caw create_all_windows def create_all_windows caw @ads = end alias update_ads update def update update_ads end alias utp update_transfer_player def update_transfer_player utp case $game_system.ads_on when 0 @map_name_window.y = 0 when 1 @map_name_window.y = 44 end end end