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BS/Battlers Addon Battle Background basati sul tile

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Nome Script: Battle Background basati sul tile
Versione: 1.1
Autore/i: Reedo

Lo script permette di settare il Background di battaglia in base all'autotile in cui il PG è posto prima che inizi la battaglia.
E' anche possibile settare lo sfondo di battaglia per un'unica mappa.



Inserite lo script sopra Main.
Altre istruzioni all'interno dello script/demo.


##  Tile-Based Battle Backgrounds
##  Version 1.1
##  December 28, 2009
##  By Reedo
##  None.  This is an original script by Reedo.
##  [UPDATE 1.1]
##  Added option to stretch images based on a request by Riokogen.
##  This script allows you to replace the background image(s) of the default
##  battle scene with custom background and/or floor image of your own making.
##  What's different about this script is that it will set the battle background
##  based on the tile the player is standing on when the battle begins!
##  The script names all of the autotiles in TileSetA, many of the single floor
##  tiles, and allows you to name any others that you like.  Named tiles can
##  then have a specific set of battle graphics applied to them.  In this way,
##  the script can check to see which (if any) named tile the player is standing
##  on, and set the battle background appropriately.  Now Ralph and friends can
##  fight in the woods when standing in the woods.  
##  The script also allows backgrounds specific to an entire map, and provides
##  a list to exclude individual maps from custom battle background processing.
##  Should be compatible with most other scripts.
##  None
##  Plug-and-play.
##  Insert below Materials, or other Reedo scripts.
##  As with most Reedo scripts, this script is free to re-use, as-is,
##  in personal, educational, and commercial RPGVX development projects,
##  providing that:  this script, as well as the forum link  
##  from which it was obtained, are credited in writing displayed readily
##  to the user of the final compiled code assembly.
##  Reedo and retain all rights of intellect and ownership.
##  You forego all rights of warranty by utilizing this script.
##  Specify user options according to the comments below.

  # Set this flag to turn the entire script on and off.  You can change this
  # value via a scipt. My long names can be a pain in the butt, so use code
  # like this in an event script command:
  #    @b::ENABLED = false
  ENABLED = true

  # Here the specific tiles that make up each game tile are specified. The
  # reason for this is that each auto-tile on a map is actually one of 48
  # different tiles, and each tile on the game map has three possible layers
  # where a tile ID can be stored (so each game tile can have three tiles on it).
  # The hash below attempts to name each floor tile in Tile Set A to make them
  # easier to refer to when specifing battle graphics.  Since I was naming auto-
  # tiles anyway, I decided to name them all for you, incase your game makes a
  # tile passable when it normally would not be.  The autotiles are the hard ones
  # to find - I started naming the non-autotile floor tiles too, and you should
  # be able to look at Tile Set A and figure out where I stopped at. The rest of
  # the tiles are numbered sequentially, left to right, top to bottom, so you
  # should be able to simply count to any tile in tile set A that you want to
  # add to the hash below.
  # The hash is simply a tile group name for the key, and an array of tile IDs
  # followed by the target layer, for the value. The layer is 0 for most tiles,
  # but 1 for "bushes" and 2 for anything rendered above the character.
  # Though, the rules for autotiles are set, so this script should work with
  # custom tile sets. But for the defaults, you should not have to change
  # anything on the autotiles and you can add the other floor tiles easily.
  #         Group Name      =>    Tile IDs     , Graphic Layer
           "RoughGrass"     =>  [(2816 .. 2863), 0],
           "GreenTrees"     =>  [(2864 .. 2911), 1],
           "HighMountains"  =>  [(2912 .. 2959), 0],
           "LightGrass"     =>  [(2960 .. 3007), 0],
           "GrassBushes"    =>  [(3008 .. 3055), 1],
           "WoodenFence"    =>  [(3056 .. 3103), 1],
           "StoneFloor"     =>  [(3104 .. 3151), 0],
           "WoodCounter"    =>  [(3152 .. 3199), 0],
           "RoughDirt"      =>  [(3200 .. 3247), 0],
           "DeadTrees"      =>  [(3248 .. 3295), 1],
           "MedMountains"   =>  [(3296 .. 3343), 0],
           "LightDirt"      =>  [(3344 .. 3391), 0],
           "DirtBushes"     =>  [(3392 .. 3439), 1],
           "StoneFence1"    =>  [(3440 .. 3487), 1],
           "GoldCarpet"     =>  [(3488 .. 3535), 0],
           "FancyCounter"   =>  [(3536 .. 3583), 0],
           "BeachSand"      =>  [(3584 .. 3631), 0],
           "PalmTrees"      =>  [(3632 .. 3679), 1],
           "LowMountains"   =>  [(3680 .. 3727), 0],
           "DesertSand"     =>  [(3728 .. 3775), 0],
           "SandBushes"     =>  [(3776 .. 3823), 1],
           "StoneFence2"    =>  [(3824 .. 3871), 1],
           "RedCarpet"      =>  [(3872 .. 3919), 0],
           "StoneCounter"   =>  [(3920 .. 3967), 0],
           "HeavySnow"      =>  [(3968 .. 4015), 0],
           "SnowTrees"      =>  [(4016 .. 4063), 1],
           "SnowMountains"  =>  [(4064 .. 4111), 0],
           "LightSnow"      =>  [(4112 .. 4159), 0],
           "SnowBushes"     =>  [(4160 .. 4207), 1],
           "SnowFence"      =>  [(4208 .. 4255), 1],
           "RaisedFloor"    =>  [(4256 .. 4303), 0],
           "ClothCounter"   =>  [(4304 .. 4351), 0],
           "BrownStone"     =>  [[1528], 0],
           "GrayStone"      =>  [[1529], 0],
           "LavaStone"      =>  [[1530], 0],
           "IceStone"       =>  [[1531], 0],
           "PlantVines"     =>  [[1532], 0],
           "CrystalStone"   =>  [[1533], 0],
           "LivingTissue"   =>  [[1534], 0],
           "PurpleCord"     =>  [[1535], 0],
           "Empty"          =>  [[1536], 0],
           "CrystalClear1"  =>  [[1537], 0],
           "CrystalClear2"  =>  [[1538], 0],
           "CrystalIce"     =>  [[1539], 0],
           "ForceField"     =>  [[1540], 0],
     "CrystalClear1Steps"   =>  [[1541], 0],
        "CrystalIceSteps"   =>  [[1542], 0],
           "MetalGrate"     =>  [[1543], 0],
     "CrystalClear2Steps"   =>  [[1549], 0],
      "ForceFieldSteps"     =>  [[1550], 0],
      "SquareGrayStone"     =>  [[1552], 0],
      "LargeRedStone"       =>  [[1553], 0],
      "LargeGoldStone"      =>  [[1554], 0],
      "YellowStone"         =>  [[1555], 0],
      "SmallRoundGrayStone" =>  [[1556], 0],
      "LargeRoundGrayStone" =>  [[1557], 0],
          "MossCovered"     =>  [[1558], 0],
          "IceCovered"      =>  [[1559], 0],

            } #END TILE_GROUPS

  # This hash contains the actual background image settings for each tile
  # group name. Enter the tile group name which should have unique battle
  # graphics as the key in the hash.  Enter an array of the two picture
  # names (imported into the Pictures Game Resources), to use as the background
  # and floor, respectively, for the value of each hash entry. The floor
  # picture is optional and can be set to 'nil' if not used.
  DATA = {"RoughGrass" => ["opensky1", "roughgrass1"],
          "GreenTrees" => ["forestsky1", "greentrees1"],
          "RoughDirt"  => ["opensky1", "roughdirt1"],
          "BeachSand"  => ["oceansky1", "beachsand1"],
          "DesertSand" => ["desertsky1", "desertsand1"],

  # This hash allows you to specify map IDs for maps that will always use the
  # same battle graphics, regardless of the tile the player is on. Just set
  # this to an empty hash {} if not used.
  SINGLE_BACKGROUND_MAPS = {7 => "RoughGrass"}

  # Here you can specify map IDs for maps that will be ignored by this script.
  # Simply input a map ID into the array and that map will not use this script
  # to determine its battle images.
  EXCLUDED_MAPS = [10, 11, 12]

  # These values allow you to offest the position and z-depth of the background
  # image. The normal background image is 544 X 224 if you use a standard floor,
  # but you may want some overlap or offest for transparency overlay.
  BACK_TOP = 0

  # Set this to true to stretch the background image to fit.
  FIT_BACK = true
  # This is the size which the background image should be stretched to.
  FIT_BACK_SIZE = [544, 416]

  # These values allow you to offest the position and z-depth of the floor
  # image. The normal floor image is 544 X 192 if you use a standard background,
  # but you may want some overlap or offest for transparency overlay.  
  FLOOR_TOP = 0 #224

  # Set this to true to stretch the floor image to fit.
  FIT_FLOOR = true
  # This is the size which the floor image should be stretched to.
  FIT_FLOOR_SIZE = [544, 416]

  # This allows you to disable drawing of the default floor if you specify
  # a background image, but no floor image for a tile. In most cases you
  # won't need to modify this, but if you have another custom script providing
  # a floor image, then you may want to set this to false when using tiles with
  # only a background image specified.

class Spriteset_Battle
  alias reedo_tbbb_sb_create_battleback create_battleback                                                            
  def create_battleback
    image = reedo_get_battleback
    if image != nil
      picture = Cache.picture(image)
      if tbbb::FIT_BACK
        bmp =[0], tbbb::FIT_BACK_SIZE[1])
        bmp.stretch_blt(bmp.rect, picture, picture.rect)
        bmp = picture
      @battleback_sprite =
      @battleback_sprite.bitmap = picture
      @battleback_sprite.x = tbbb::BACK_LEFT
      @battleback_sprite.y = tbbb::BACK_TOP
      @battleback_sprite.z = tbbb::BACK_Z_DEPTH

  alias reedo_tbbb_sb_create_battlefloor create_battlefloor
  def create_battlefloor
    image = reedo_get_battlefloor
    if image != nil
      picture = Cache.picture(image)
      if tbbb::FIT_FLOOR
        bmp =[0], tbbb::FIT_FLOOR_SIZE[1])
        bmp.stretch_blt(bmp.rect, picture, picture.rect)
        bmp = picture
      @battlefloor_sprite =
      @battlefloor_sprite.bitmap = bmp
      @battlefloor_sprite.x = tbbb::FLOOR_LEFT
      @battlefloor_sprite.y = tbbb::FLOOR_TOP
      @battlefloor_sprite.z = tbbb::FLOOR_Z_DEPTH
      reedo_tbbb_sb_create_battlefloor if tbbb::DEFAULT_FLOOR_ENABLED

  def self.reedo_get_current_tile_id(layer)
    x = $game_player.x
    y = $game_player.y
    tile_id = $[x, y, layer]     
    tile_id = -1 if tile_id == nil
    return tile_id

  def reedo_get_battleback
    return nil if REEDO_TILE_BASED_BATTLE_BACKGROUNDS::EXCLUDED_MAPS.include?($game_map.map_id)
    @reedo_backs = reedo_get_battle_backgrounds if @reedo_backs == nil
    return nil if @reedo_backs.length == 0
    return @reedo_backs[0]

  def reedo_get_battlefloor
    return nil if REEDO_TILE_BASED_BATTLE_BACKGROUNDS::EXCLUDED_MAPS.include?($game_map.map_id)
    @reedo_backs = reedo_get_battle_backgrounds if @reedo_backs == nil
    return nil if @reedo_backs.length == 0
    return @reedo_backs[1]

  def reedo_get_battle_backgrounds
    values = nil
      t1 = Spriteset_Battle.reedo_get_current_tile_id(0)
      t2 = Spriteset_Battle.reedo_get_current_tile_id(1)
      t3 = Spriteset_Battle.reedo_get_current_tile_id(2)

        case data[1]
        when 0
          t_id = t1
        when 1
          t_id = t2
        when 2
          t_id = t3
        if t_id != nil
          if data[0].include?(t_id)
    if values == nil
    return [] if values == nil
    return values


Dovrebbe essere compatibile con la maggior parte di altri script.
Lo script però è stato progettato per il sistema di combattimento di default e potrebbe non essere compatibile con gli altri.

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With the visible battlers, new options will be available# like setting actor's battlers positions and attack animations.#------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Compatibility# Requires the script 'Victor Engine - Basic Module' v 1.11 or higher# If used with 'Victor Engine | Animated Battle' paste this one bellow it.# # * Overwrite methods (Default)# class Spriteset_Battle# def create_actors# def update_actors## class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base# def show_attack_animation(targets)## * Alias methods (Default)# class << DataManager# def setup_new_game# def create_game_objects# def make_save_contents# def extract_save_contents(contents)## class Game_Actor < Game_Battler# def setup(actor_id)## * Alias methods (Basic Module)# class Game_Interpreter# def comment_call##------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Instructions:# To instal the script, open you script editor and paste this script on# a new section on bellow the Materials section. This script must also# be bellow the script 'Victor Engine - Basic'##------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Comment calls note tags:# Tags to be used in events comment box, works like a script call.# # <battler name id: x># This tag allows to change the actor battler graphic.# id : actor ID# x : battler graphic filename## <battler hue id: x># This tag allows to change the actor battler graphic.# id : actor ID# x : battler graphic hue (0-360)## <battler position i: x, y># This tag allows to change the battler position during combat.# only valid if VE_BATTLE_FORMATION = :custom# i : position index# x : new coorditante X# y : new coorditante X##------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Actors note tags:# Tags to be used on the Actors note box in the database## <battler name: x># This tag allows to set the initial battler graphic filename for the actor.# x : battler graphic filename## <battler hue: x># This tag allows to set the initial battler graphic hur for the actor.# x : battler graphic hue (0-360)##------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Enemies note tags:# Tags to be used on the Enemies note box in the database## <attack animation: x># This tag allows to set the normal attack animation for the enemy# x : animation ID# #==============================================================================#==============================================================================# ** Victor Engine#------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Setting module for the Victor Engine#==============================================================================module Victor_Engine #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Set the battle formation # Choose here how the actors battlers will be placed on the combat. # :front : horizontal placement # :side : vertical placement # :iso : isometric placement # :custom : custom placement #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- VE_BATTLE_FORMATION = :front #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Set battler centralization # When true, battlers are centralized automatically. # Not valid if VE_BATTLE_FORMATION = :custom #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- VE_BATTLE_CENTRALIZE = true #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Set battlers custom positions # Only if VE_BATTLE_FORMATION = :custom, allows to set the position of # all party actors, don't forget to add values for all positions # available if using a party bigger than the default. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- VE_CUSTOM_POSITION = { # Position 1 => {x: 460, y: 180}, # Position for the first actor. 2 => {x: 480, y: 210}, # Position for the second actor. 3 => {x: 500, y: 240}, # Position for the thrid actor. 4 => {x: 520, y: 270}, # Position for the fourth actor. } # Don't remove #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Actors battlers position adjust # Used to adjust the position of all actors battlers. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- VE_POSITION_ADJUST = {x: 0, y: 0} #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Actors battlers position adjust # Used to adjust the position of all actors battlers. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- VE_DISTANCE_ADJUST = {x: 48, y: 32} #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * required # This method checks for the existance of the basic module and other # VE scripts required for this script to work, don't edit this #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.required(name, req, version, type = nil) if !$imported[:ve_basic_module] msg = "The script '%s' requires the scriptn" msg += "'VE - Basic Module' v%s or higher above it to work properlyn" msg += "Go to to download this script." msgbox(sprintf(msg, self.script_name(name), version)) exit else self.required_script(name, req, version, type) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * script_name # Get the script name base on the imported value, don't edit this #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.script_name(name, ext = "VE") name = name.to_s.gsub("_", " ").upcase.split name.collect! {|char| char == ext ? "#{char} -" : char.capitalize } name.join(" ") endend$imported ||= {}$imported[:ve_actor_battlers] = 1.04Victor_Engine.required(:ve_actor_battlers, :ve_basic_module, 1.11, :above)#==============================================================================# ** DataManager#------------------------------------------------------------------------------# This module handles the game and database objects used in game.# Almost all global variables are initialized on this module#==============================================================================class << DataManager #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias method: setup_new_game #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias :setup_new_game_ve_actor_battlers :setup_new_game def setup_new_game setup_new_game_ve_actor_battlers $game_custom_positions = VE_CUSTOM_POSITION.dup end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias method: setup_battle_test #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias :setup_battle_test_ve_actor_battlers :setup_battle_test def setup_battle_test setup_battle_test_ve_actor_battlers $game_custom_positions = VE_CUSTOM_POSITION.dup end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias method: create_game_objects #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias :create_game_objects_ve_actor_battlers :create_game_objects def create_game_objects create_game_objects_ve_actor_battlers $game_custom_positions = {} end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias method: make_save_contents #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias :make_save_contents_ve_actor_battlers :make_save_contents def make_save_contents contents = make_save_contents_ve_actor_battlers contents[:formations_ve] = $game_custom_positions contents end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias method: extract_save_contents #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias :extract_save_contents_ve_actor_battlers :extract_save_contents def extract_save_contents(contents) extract_save_contents_ve_actor_battlers(contents) $game_custom_positions = contents[:formations_ve] endend#==============================================================================# ** Game_Actor#------------------------------------------------------------------------------# This class handles actors. It's used within the Game_Actors class# ($game_actors) and referenced by the Game_Party class ($game_party).#==============================================================================class Game_Actor < Game_Battler #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Public Instance Variables #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- attr_accessor :screen_x # Coordenada X na tela attr_accessor :screen_y # Coordenada Y na tela #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias method: setup #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias :setup_ve_actor_battlers :setup def setup(actor_id) setup_ve_actor_battlers(actor_id) @battler_name = actor_battler_name @battler_hue = actor_battler_hue end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Overwrite method: use_sprite? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def use_sprite? return true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Overwrite method: screen_z #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def screen_z return 100 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New method: actor_battler_name #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def actor_battler_name actor.note =~ /<BATTLER NAME: ([^><]*)>/i ? $1.to_s : "" end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New method: actor_battler_hue #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def actor_battler_hue actor.note =~ /<BATTLER HUE: (d+)>/i ? $1.to_i : 0 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New method: battler_name #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def battler_name=(name) @battler_name = name if name.is_a?(String) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New method: battler_hue #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def battler_hue=(hue) @battler_hue = hue if hue.numeric? end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New method: screen_x #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def screen_x setup_x end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New method: screen_y #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def screen_y setup_y end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New method: setup_x #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def setup_x case VE_BATTLE_FORMATION when :front then position = get_frontal_x when :side then position = get_sideview_x when :iso then position = get_isometric_x when :custom then position = $game_custom_positions[index + 1][:x] end position + VE_POSITION_ADJUST[:x] end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New method: setup_y #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def setup_y case VE_BATTLE_FORMATION when :front then position = get_frontal_y when :side then position = get_sideview_y when :iso then position = get_isometric_y when :custom then position = $game_custom_positions[index + 1][:y] end position + VE_POSITION_ADJUST[:y] end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New method: get_frontal_x #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_frontal_x if VE_BATTLE_CENTRALIZE size = $game_party.battle_members.size position = (index + 1) * Graphics.width / (size + 1) else size = $game_party.max_battle_members position = index * Graphics.width / size + 64 end position end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New method: get_frontal_y #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_frontal_y Graphics.height - 16 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New method: get_sideview_x #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_sideview_x if VE_BATTLE_CENTRALIZE size = $game_party.max_battle_members x = dist[:x] / 8 position = -index * (index * x - x * size) + Graphics.width - 160 else position = index * dist[:x] + Graphics.width - 192 end position end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New method: get_sideview_y #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_sideview_y if VE_BATTLE_CENTRALIZE size = $game_party.battle_members.size height = Graphics.height position = (index - size) * dist[:y] + size * dist[:y] / 2 + height - 160 else position = index * dist[:y] + Graphics.height - 192 end position end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New method: get_isometric_x #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_isometric_x if VE_BATTLE_CENTRALIZE position = -index * (index * dist[:x] - 32) + Graphics.width - 160 else position = index * dist[:x] + Graphics.width - 192 end position end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New method: get_isometric_y #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_isometric_y if VE_BATTLE_CENTRALIZE position = index * (dist[:y] - index * 6) + Graphics.height - 160 else position = Graphics.height - 96 - index * dist[:y] end position end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New method: dist #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def dist VE_DISTANCE_ADJUST endend#==============================================================================# ** Game_Enemy#------------------------------------------------------------------------------# This class handles enemy characters. It's used within the Game_Troop class# ($game_troop).#==============================================================================class Game_Enemy < Game_Battler #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New method: atk_animation_id1 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def atk_animation_id1 enemy.note =~ /<ATTACK ANIM(?:ATION): (d+)>/i ? $1.to_i : 1 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New method: atk_animation_id2 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def atk_animation_id2 return 0 endend#==============================================================================# ** Game_Interpreter#------------------------------------------------------------------------------# An interpreter for executing event commands. This class is used within the# Game_Map, Game_Troop, and Game_Event classes.#==============================================================================class Game_Interpreter #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias method: comment_call #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias :comment_call_ve_actor_battlers :comment_call def comment_call change_battler_name change_battler_hue change_position comment_call_ve_actor_battlers end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New method: change_battler_name #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def change_battler_name note.scan(/<BATTLER NAME (d+): ([^><]*)>/i) do |id, name| $game_actors[id.to_i].battler_name = name end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New method: change_battler_hue #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def change_battler_hue note.scan(/<BATTLER HUE (d+): (d+)>/i) do |id, hue| $game_actors[id.to_i].battler_hue = hue end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New method: change_position #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def change_position regexp = /<BATTLER POSITION (d+): (d+) *, *(d+)>/i note.scan(regexp) do |i, x, y| $game_custom_positions[i.to_i][:x] = x.to_i $game_custom_positions[i.to_i][:y] = y.to_i end endend#==============================================================================# ** Spriteset_Battle#------------------------------------------------------------------------------# This class brings together battle screen sprites. It's used within the# Scene_Battle class.#==============================================================================class Spriteset_Battle #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Overwrite method: create_actors #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_actors @actor_sprites = $game_party.battle_members.reverse.collect do |actor|, actor) end @actors_party = $game_party.battle_members.dup end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Overwrite method: update_actors #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_actors update_party if $game_party.battle_members != @actors_party @actor_sprites.each {|sprite| sprite.update } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New method: update_party #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_party @actor_sprites.each_index do |i| next if $game_party.battle_members.include?(@actor_sprites[i].battler) @actor_sprites[i].dispose @actor_sprites[i] = nil end $game_party.battle_members.collect do |actor| next if @actors_party.include?(actor) @actor_sprites.push(, actor)) end @actor_sprites.compact! @actors_party = $game_party.battle_members.dup $game_party.battle_members.each do |actor| old_position = [actor.screen_x, actor.screen_y] actor.setup_position if old_position != [actor.screen_x, actor.screen_y] sprite(actor).start_effect(:appear) end end endend#==============================================================================# ** Scene_Battle#------------------------------------------------------------------------------# This class performs battle screen processing.#==============================================================================class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Overwrite method: show_attack_animation #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def show_attack_animation(targets) show_normal_animation(targets, @subject.atk_animation_id1, false) show_normal_animation(targets, @subject.atk_animation_id2, true) endend
    • Da Ally
      Nome Script: Equipment Requirements
      Versione: 1.2
      Autore/i: Fomar0153
      Consente di definire i requisiti per Armi e Armature, ed è possibile utilizzare sia il loro livello o una delle loro statistiche.
      Inserite lo script sotto Material.
      Istruzioni all'interno dello script.
      =beginEquipment Requirementsby Fomar0153Version 1.2----------------------Notes----------------------Adds a level requirement to equipment.----------------------Instructions----------------------Notetag the weapons/armors like so:<levelreq x><mhpreq x><mmpreq x><atkreq x><defreq x><matreq x><mdfreq x><agireq x><lukreq x><switchreq x><wepreq x><armreq x>----------------------Change Log----------------------1.0 -> 1.1 Added stat requirements Changed script name from Equipment Level Requirements to just Equipment Requirements1.1 -> 1.2 Added switch and other equipment requirements----------------------Known bugs----------------------None=endclass Game_BattlerBase #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● If set to true then it compares the requirement with the actor's base # stat rather than their current. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- EQUIPREQ_USE_BASE_STAT = true #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● Check the requirements #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias level_equippable? equippable? def equippable?(item) return false unless item.is_a?(RPG::EquipItem) return false if @level < item.levelreq return false if reqstat(0) < item.mhpreq return false if reqstat(1) < item.mmpreq return false if reqstat(2) < item.atkreq return false if reqstat(3) < item.defreq return false if reqstat(4) < item.matreq return false if reqstat(5) < item.mdfreq return false if reqstat(6) < item.agireq return false if reqstat(7) < item.lukreq if item.switchreq > 0 return false unless $game_switches[item.switchreq] end if item.wepreq > 0 e = [] for equip in @equips if equip.is_weapon? e.push( end end return false unless e.include?(item.wepreq) unless equip.object.nil? end if item.armreq > 0 e = [] for equip in @equips if equip.is_armor? e.push( unless equip.object.nil? end end return false unless e.include?(item.armreq) end return level_equippable?(item) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● New Method #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def reqstat(id) if EQUIPREQ_USE_BASE_STAT return param_base(id) else return param(id) end endendmodule RPG #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● Equip Item is inherited by both Weapon and Armor #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class EquipItem def levelreq if self.note =~ /<levelreq (.*)>/i return $1.to_i else return 0 end end def mhpreq if self.note =~ /<mhpreq (.*)>/i return $1.to_i else return 0 end end def mmpreq if self.note =~ /<mmpreq (.*)>/i return $1.to_i else return 0 end end def atkreq if self.note =~ /<atkreq (.*)>/i return $1.to_i else return 0 end end def defreq if self.note =~ /<defreq (.*)>/i return $1.to_i else return 0 end end def matreq if self.note =~ /<matreq (.*)>/i return $1.to_i else return 0 end end def mdfreq if self.note =~ /<mdfreq (.*)>/i return $1.to_i else return 0 end end def agireq if self.note =~ /<agireq (.*)>/i return $1.to_i else return 0 end end def lukreq if self.note =~ /<lukreq (.*)>/i return $1.to_i else return 0 end end def switchreq if self.note =~ /<switchreq (.*)>/i return $1.to_i else return 0 end end def wepreq if self.note =~ /<wepreq (.*)>/i return $1.to_i else return 0 end end def armreq if self.note =~ /<armreq (.*)>/i return $1.to_i else return 0 end end endend